The fever

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I woke up to the heavy putter of rain

It beat down on the window hard, the thunder rumbling, stirring me awake. I opened my eyes to a dim room. Immediately I knew I wasn't in the hospital anymore

Propping myself up with my elbows, I looked around. My body was in more pain now that I could ever remember. I tried to find the best position to sit without harming myself or making things worse. But nothing worked. Nothing eased my anguish. I grew restless and tried to get out of the unnecessarily gigantic king sized bed. I was hungry. Starving in fact. After so long of not eating enough, The idea of dying of hunger seemed adequate. But I also needed to pee. Very badly. I couldn't control my voluntary actions yet, and if I didn't make it to a bathroom in time I was to surely burst

My feet ached and my back arched awkwardly. I was silently screaming out for relief. My arms drooped and my head felt heavy. Gravity weighed down on me. Still I was able to get up. Somehow. My bare feet touched the fluffy carpet and I paused. Partly to enjoy the refreshing feel of the carpet, and partly to regain my breath and ease the dizziness. I held onto the bedside table and pushed myself up to my feet. I wobbled and stumbled, my legs snapping beneath me. I ended up falling to the floor vertically and landed right on my ass. My pelvic bone rattled and the impulse raised to my vocal chords and out my lips as a groan

I sucked in a breath, appalled at myself for failing at such a mundane task. I sat there, on the white carpet, and just existed. I didn't know how long I had stayed in that position, I was so out of it that I never even noticed the elephant in the room

"What are you doing?"

I flinched at the roughness of a voice. I looked up and saw the owner hover over me and was more than shocked to find that it was none other than the shadow from the hospital. I began to shake uncontrollably, but I wasn't cold. Not by a long shot. I was on fire. When...when did he arrive and how did I not notice his presence before? How could I have not, when all he did demanded to be seen?

He crouched down beside me and searched my face with his chilling stare. I felt scrutinized. I flinched when his hand reached for me, stopping just above my skin. The hairs on my face rose, then curled inward. His fingers lingered, so close and yet so far away. He finally made a move, removing the hair that covered the side of my face and hooking it behind my ear. He grasped my chin and raised my head, making me look at him. Right into him "I said. What are you doing?"

His breath flushed over my face. His scent intoxicating my senses. I was so afraid, paralyzed by terror, that I didn't even want to answer in fear of saying the wrong thing. But the tone of his voice challenged me on. I had to answer, or else I would be in more trouble. That I understood. I licked my chapped lips

"I have to pee" I breathed in, my self doubt seeping through

His face scrunched up "Do you now?" He let go of my chin and nodded towards a door beside us "Go then"

I turned to the wall, only noticing the frame now. It was identical to the walls around it. I turned to him again, surprised by his words. Was it that easy? Was he going to let me go just like that?

I highly doubted

He was too quiet. Too still. Too invested in my movements to not have something up his sleeves. I hesitated, then tried to stand. He just watched me struggle to my feet, before actually intervening. He sighed and got in my way as I stood unstable. Just when I thought I was in the clear, he placed his palm on my chest and pushed me back

My eyes widened as I fell backwards and landed straight down, the air in my lungs forcing itself out at they constricted. I gasped, slightly shaken by the impact and pain. A small amount of pee trickled down my leg. Before I could even catch my breath, he was bending down beside me "I said go to the bathroom, Morgan"

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