"I swear if you do that again..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say after that.

I didn't have anything to threaten him with.

"Why did you have that guys jacket in the back of your truck?" I pondered.

"Uhm, long story..." he replied stubbornly.

"I have time,"

This time, I was the one to smirk.

"Okay, well.. Whenever Michael did drugs, I would always drive him wherever and wait in the car for him to get them because he didn't stay long. However, this one time he stayed in there longer than normal, so I walked in to see what he was doing. Michael was already passed out. The guy next to him, which he was also high but I was too stupid to know that at the time, told me to take off his jacket cause it helps if he is cooler," he paused and took a breathe, "I was stupid enough to trust him and actually follow his orders so I took it off and threw it in my truck...and I guess it was my last memory of him. We were really close. It's stupid, but I guess I never took it out."

My head somehow ended up on his shoulder between his long, heartfelt speech. I know he didn't provide me any information about himself, or his family, or his life, but I felt like I knew him better after that story. It was the longest story he has ever told me.

"I'm sorry. It's not stupid, I understand," I said as I repositioned myself to where he was still holding me on his waist, but I could see his face better.

"Yeah, so have you warmed up to the water yet?" He changed the topic, but I didn't mind.

"Uh, yeah," I stammered.

The truth was I didn't want him to put me down.

"Right," he put me down awkwardly.

I shouldn't have made him tell me that story because now everything is awkward. I didn't mean to make him uncomfortable, but I knew I was bound to somehow.

"I'm sorry," I said again for what felt like the thousandth time.

"Quit saying that," he demanded, in a harsher tone.

I wasn't used to it, so I stepped away slowly but now weirdly. I made it look like I was just strolling around the water.

I heard splashing and I turned around to see Harry getting out of the water and putting his clothes back on, not even bothering to dry off. I got out too, not wanting to make him any more mad. I let myself air dry for few seconds because I wasn't using Michael's jacket. I figured Harry would give me his jacket or shirt or something, but he didn't.

"Let's go," he said sternly.

"I need to get my dress on," I said softly.

"No, let's go," he repeated in a harsher tone.

"Leave then Harry! Leave me here by this lake! Go get high! Or chew something! I don't care, just leave if you are going to be a jerk!" I snapped.

Harry looked at me with cold eyes before he quietly yet forcefully remarked, "I'll go see what Sasha is up to," he smirked.

Those words hurt. He got in his truck and drove away. I am mad at him, but not for leaving me. I told him to. I'm not going to blame him. He's going to go see Sasha now, and no doubt they are going to do something. I cannot believe he said that.

I know we aren't dating, but we were doing so good. I wanted to write about him. He is a jerk. I was completely wrong when I said he could be the nice type.

He had me fooled.

He played me like a toy.

Harry's POV

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