Chapter 16

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"What!!!" Percy yelled. "I declined it already."

  "Too bad!" Zeus retorted.

  "Wait," A mortal asked "Why would you decline?"

  "Because I have a life"

   "Yeah, bu-"

  "Also, I don't want to see everyone I love die." Percy glances at Annabeth.

  "Awww! PERCBETH." Percy and Annabeth flushed red. "Awww, don't be shy. Percabeth! Percabeth! Percabeth!" Aphrodite started chanting.

  "Aphrodite," Yelled Zeus "You can stop now."

  "But Percabeth!" Aphrodite pouted. Zeus glared at her. "Fine!"

  "Thank you." Zeus said.

  "I'll stop, for now." Aphrodite mumbled.

  "Did you say something?" Zeus asked.

  "Who me," Aphrodite asked, trying to look "innocent". "Never"

  "Okay," Zeus said, uncertain.

  "Can we get back to this turning us to a god thing!" Percy yelled.

  "We're getting to that, Sea Spawn!"

  "Yeah," Percy muttered "We were."

  "What was that!" Athena glared.

  Percy gulped. "Nothing!"


Percy Jackson: Demigods RevealedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora