Chapter 10

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  The demigods are about to leave, but Hermes flashed in. "You guys have to change your names."


 "Because we told the mortal world all about you"

  "Ok. . ."

  "Anyways, Percy, you will be Peter Johnson-"

  "Wonder who chose that. . . "

  "Annabeth, you will be Annabell Zase," Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Thalia and Jason, you will be, Thalia and Jason Lace. Leo, you will be Gio Flame. Hazel, will be Lazel Gold. Frank will be Cason Bear. Piper, will be Kristina Charm. And finally, Nico, will be Jared Death." Everybody stared at him. "We were out of ideas."

  "You should leave before we kill you." Percy said, taking out his sword.

   "Ok, BYE!!" Hermes flashed away.

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