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   "Aurelie... could you at least try to forget about it?" Liza pleads with me for the upteenth time. She has been doing so for the past hour now to no avail. I've just stayed hunched up in the back of the car holding my shivering body tight while staring out the window as I watch everything go by in a blur. 

 "Aurelie," Liza sighs, "could you please talk to me? Please?" Liza begs again, turning around to face me completely so that her eyes were piercing the side of my head. 

  "What do you want me to say Liza?" I ask, turning my head to face her but not moving my body one bit.

 "Just say something! Tell me how you are feeling! I just want us to talk! To communicate! Talking about it makes it better... I promise." Liza replies, getting excited that I actually answered her for the first time since we left the hotel.

 "My mom broke out of jail and I-I don't know how to feel anymore." I say as a new set of tears cloud my vision. 

 "Aurelie... please don't cry anymore! You've cried so much today already and it's just too much." Liza says while coming over to the back of the limousine to come and comfort me. 

 "Well I can't laugh either! What am I supposed to do?!" I ask exasperated. 

"Aurelie, I understan-" Liza starts.

"No! You actually don't! You don't understand! You don't understand anything! You never had your brother die! Nor did you have your parents go to jail! Nor did you have your mother break out of jail! Nor did you ever have to live in an orphanage! Stop saying you understand when you really don't!" I shout, backing away from Liza, her shock-stricken eyes piercing deep into mine.

  "I know I can't but what am I supposed to say?! Do you want me to say that you should just forget about it?! Or that it doesn't really matter?!" Liza says, almost shouting. "I know that I don't understand anything about how you are feeling now but what am I supposed to say as a mother?" Liza continues, her tone dropping, turning into a loud whisper.

 "I-I don't know. I'm sorry I guess-" I say as my voice breaks again and another set of tears escape against my will.

 The last thing I remember is being cuddled by Liza and waking up, facing a familiar roof.

"We're home!!" Liza cries out as I look around the room, recognizing it to be mine. 

"I think I know that." I reply sassily, not really knowing why. 

 "OK.... well it's time for lunch." Liza says, while leaving my room. 

  I make my way out of my room and down the hallway and into the kitchen. As soon as I enter, the scent of mashed potatoes and gravy wafts into my nose. Making me want to puke. 

"Ugh!!!! Liza! You know I hate this! Why do you have to make it?!" I shriek at Liza. 

 "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know that you don't like it." Liza says as sweetly as possible, but it sounds strained- like she's gonna snap at any minute. 

 "Well, I'm not eating it!" I say while stomping my foot and folding my arms against my chest, hoping for some sort of reaction from Liza.

"OK." she replies bluntly.

"Ok?! You're not even going to make me eat?! What type of mother are you?!" I shriek at her, breathing heavily. What is up with me? Why am I acting like this?

 "Aurelie, I'm just doing what any good mother you would do- letting their two-year-old throw their tantrum and not giving them what they want." Liza says, not looking up from her meal. 

 "I'm not a two year old!!"

"Well, you sure are acting like one!" Liza replies, while getting up and taking her dish to the sink, leaving me standing there all alone. 

 "I want fries!" I cry out, getting impatient with Liza. 

 "Well, I can't make you any fries right now because I need to work on stuff. When and if you get hungry, your mashed potatoes are here waiting for you."

"NO! Make me fries now!" I screech at her, while gently jabbing at her side and arm with my fingers. 

   "Look, Aurelie!" Liza says while grabbing my hands harshly, not letting them go, "I know what happened earlier today is really going to affect you for a while and you may not act the same and I know that I am going to have to tolerate it but this," Liza says as she thrusts one of her hands out, in a showing motion, "this is too much! I'm not going to tolerate this! You are eleven years old and you are acting like a baby! I will not make you fries because I cannot at the moment! When you get hungry, you go to the table and eat your mash!" Liza says, her voice getting louder as she continues to speak. 

 "Ok?!" She asks, well more like demands, seeming to tower over me now. 


Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I have just realized how unreliable I am. I promised to update on friday night but I didn't and I have been writing this chapter for the past four days...

anyways! I'm not gonna tag many people today because I am in I.T class and the teacher is soon going to notice what I'm doing so lol. #notpayingattention #rebel








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