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 "Aurelie, your parents want to see you." My heart stopped, my breath hitched, my body froze. My parents. I had almost forgotten about them and I was pretty happy with that, but now, they have maneuvered their way back into my life. 

 "But it is your choice whether or not you want to see them."

"I-I don't know." I stutter. I'm not so sure if I want to see them. I mean, it's been a year. I wonder how they look now. I wonder if their hair is still bright , I wonder if my poor mama is still on the plump side or is skinny to the bone, I wonder if my dad is still muscly and strong or is lean and lanky. There's a way to find out, but I'm not so sure if I want  to find out. What if they look so much more different that I don't even recognize them and end up hurting them?  What if I look so different and they don't recognize me and they end up hurting me? 

 "You don't have to answer now. We can always talk about it later." Liza says as though she has been reading my mind. 

 "I- I'll think about it." I reply as I turn around slowly and make my way back to my room. I shut the door quietly behind me and sit on my bed, hands in head, thinking.  I don't know for how long I sat there, but next thing I know, I'm dreaming. 

 "Aurelie! C'est toi! C'est vraiment toi! It's you! I'm so happy you came! I was so scared that you wouldn't come but you did! You really did!" My mom exclaimed happily. She looked just as she did before she went to prison, except she is now in a bright orange jailsuit.  "Aurelie, my daughter! How have you been? I've missed you so much!" My dad exclaimed, tears in his eyes. "I missed you too! Oh, dad! You've gotten so lean- and so have you mom! I have missed you both so much!  How have you guys been?" I ask with a big grin on my face. They exchange sad glances and look back at me. "We've not been very good, Aurelie. The food here is horrible and we hardly ever get any sleep. I just wish that the judge would see that we didn't murder anyone!" My mom said, a tear dropping from her eyes. I rush over to hug her but  I am stopped by a bright red beam of light followed by a loud alarm. I look to my left and see a whole crew of security guards heading straight for us, look to my right and see yet another crew. They rush at me and take me by my hands and start dragging me away, back outside- away from my parents. "Mama! Papa!" I scream while kicking my legs wildly, trying so hard to get out of their iron grasps. "Aurelie! We are so so so sorry! We love you!" my dad calls out to me while my mom just stands there, silent tears running down her face. "Mama... Papa.." I sob. 

I wake up with a starts, tears streaming down my face. 

 My sobs getting louder, and louder, and louder until eventually Liza is up. 

"Aurelie? Aurelie! Is that you? Aurelie! What's wrong?!" Liza comes barging into my room with a look of fear and concern on her face. I can't answer. All I can do is sob, sob, sob, and sob. But this doesn't seem to faze Liza. She comes over and comforts me, whispering sweet things into my ear. Eventually, my sobs turn to soft cries and my cries turn to hiccups. But Liza still doesn't ask me what's wrong. She must know that I do not want to talk about it. 

 "Would you like to come and sleep in my room?" She asks sweetly. 

"Y-Yes." I stutter and we both get up and make our way to her room. We get in bed and I snuggle up close to Liza, welcoming her nice warmth against my skin. And I soon fall into a deep, dreamless, slumber. 

Hello guys! That was unexpected right?! 

today, i am doing the tags in a very special way. I am tagging the people in terms of how i feel about them. If i feel that they are sweet, i will put them under the sweet category and like that. you get? ok.

Funny: k-sohye





sweet: hasshow








easy to talk to: girlsrulefuzzyxo05




relatable (fellow gymnasts/dancers/liza lovers): Jade_Handstand




Im Dun-DUn-DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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