the boy you left behind

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Octavia was okay

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Octavia was okay.

That's all that mattered. Octavia stayed at the hospital for about a week. We talked, I cried, I yelled at her for not taking an Uber, and then we hugged it out. Or at least we tried to because it was hard for her to make any movement on that hospital bed of hers.

Mr. Woods stopped by every morning and night to check on her. Every morning and night. Before work and after work with the occasional dinner he would bring her. He was a man in love. 'Whipped', they say. I chuckled at the thought.

As for Bellamy, I haven't seen much of him around. It felt as if he was avoiding me for some reason. Being the oblivious person that I was, I chose to ignore it.

Jasper and Monty would write Octavia notes mostly consisting of jokes to make her feel better. I still worked at the shop everyday, but I was much more focused on working and money than I was on happiness.

And Raven? Of course I noticed that she had been spending more time with Murphy. She'd stay at his place and he'd comfort her. I felt bad for her because people were more concerned about Octavia meanwhile she was still part of the crash. At least she had Murphy who obviously cared for her.

As I was walking into my house which I barely stayed around anymore because I would always be with Octavia, I was greeted with a mouth-watering scent.


I waltzed into the kitchen and saw my mom and Kane cooking together. He was helping her with cutting the salad. She wasn't even paying attention to the food—she was so lost in Kane. You could just see it in her eyes—she was so in love.

"Honey, do you want to go check on the bacon?" he asked her while pushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"Oh. Uh, yes," she jumped out of her haze and glanced at the burning bacon. Kane laughed. She turned around to be met with Kane's passionate kiss. They're practically married already.

I coughed awkwardly, addressing my presence. "Get a room," I joked. My mom broke away from his kiss and nuzzled her head in his chest shyly.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Kane offered.

"I'd love to, but I told Octavia I'd come see her," I sighed. "But I'll be free tomorrow night. We should have a family dinner for once," I suggest. It's about time I start leading a happy life again. Like the good, old days.

"That sounds great, sweetheart," my mom piped. "Why don't you bring Bellamy with you? For good ol' times sake."

I thought about it for a second. "Sure, I'll ask him if he's free."

"Wonderful," she cheered.

We said our goodbyes and I headed for the hospital. It wasn't busy today and I was familiar with the path to Octavia's room.

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