“The mall.”

“Where’s Lexi and Riker going?”

“Somewhere else.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Why?”

“So we can have alone time,” He winks.

“You’re disgusting,” I mutter, sinking into my seat.

When we get to the mall, Ace mostly does all the leading. I’ve never been here, but apparently, he has. So he knows all the stores to go to for fancy clothing. Me, on the other hand, I have no idea what I’m doing. So I stay behind, just following him around.

“Are you hungry? You want a pretzel?” Not giving me time to answer, he pulls me towards a pretzel stand in the middle of the mall. He orders two regular salty pretzels, handing one to me.

“Thanks, Ace,” I tell him, biting into it.

He grins, acting like that was the best thing I’ve told him all day. “You’re welcome.”

After we finish, his eyes find something else. “Ooh, look! Necklaces! Do you wear jewelry? C’mon, let’s check it out - ”

“Ace,” I calm him down gently. “Focus. Outfits. For tonight.”

He bums out. “Right. Outfits.”

So he drags me over to a fancier looking store. I guess we’re shopping for me first, because he takes me to the dresses. “What am I looking for?”

“A fancy dress,” He replies, eyeing one. “What’s your favorite color?”


A smirk. “Blood red?”

Sick. “No, asshole. A bright red. A blinding red.”

“Like this?” He holds up a bright red dress. It’s actually not half bad; it cuts off at the knees, flowing out, and is strapless. There’s some sort of silvery design on the edges of the top part. 

“Yeah,” I reply slowly, taking it from his hands.

“Try it on.”

“No. It’s my size.”

He gives me a look. “You have to try it on, Scar.”

Huffing, I stomp over to one of the dressing rooms. Halfway there, I start taking my shirt off. I disappear into the room, tossing the shirt to the ground. This room only has doors that cut off at the thigh and neck, so I’m pretty sure Ace is watching me through the big gap. I slip the dress on, looking at myself in the mirror. “It fits.”

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