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Ella looked out of the window. The planet below her looked beautiful from where she was.

She turned in her chair to the giant monitor in her ship. The people on the screen were doing ok. Ella relaxed. She didn't have to worry after all.

She got up from her chair and walked into the kitchen. She made up and quick snack and sat back down, watching the screen.

The brown-haired girl was alone, reading in her room. The werewolf was running around her school's giant field. And the boy was studying. Ella smiled. She knew what they did in their free time. She knew everything about them. She was with them once.


It all started about two years ago, when Ella was best friends with the werewolf. Ella had always dreamed of going into space. It was usually on her mind in her free time.

And then one day, an opportunity came. Her school was sending one person into space to loop around Earth for one year. As soon as her friends and everyone else heard it, they all said they wanted Ella up there. Ella took the chance, and was soon orbiting Earth.

It was her 20th day up there when it happened. The Earth stopped. It didn't move. Ella watched through the windows, amazed. Then, it spun faster and faster. It spun so fast that when it stopped, the continents were in different places.

Confused, Ella tried to contact her school's space manager. The one who was helping Ella up in space.

"Hello? Mission Control. I have a problem. My name is Ella, and you sent me into space." She said into the microphone.

"What? We never sent someone up!" The receiver said. Ella froze. She knew what just happened.

The Earth had reset itself. Anyone who wasn't on Earth when it reset was forgotten. And the entire world just forgot Ella.


Ever since then, Ella has stayed aboard, watching Earth continue without her. She had enough food and water to last until she died, so really she was golden.

She watched Rose's, Madalyn's, and Tharon's lives progress each day. The work wouldn't reset until 150 years into the future. And she was happy. Two years of space makes someone like that.

Ella Leible, amongst the stars.

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