God save the girl credits pt.1

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Daughter of Evil was the base for this story.

The story tells of a young girl who ruled her kingdom with an iron fist. She had everything she wanted, with her loyal servant who would do anything for her.

She soon saw a prince, whom she fell in love with. But, he choose the "girl next door" for his bride. The princess became furious and ordered her servant to kill the girl, and also burn down the village.

After the destruction, the prince banded together with a mercenary and the princess's subjects to overthrow her. They caught her and sentenced her to death.


Now, my story goes a different route.

The princess had a secret romance with her servant. She wanted the girl dead because she insulted her. The prince and mercenary killed her out of revenge, not because of spite.

Part two will explain everything about the second half. Bye bye!!

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