God save the girl Pt.5

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Hanji's world was dark. Too dark. She tried to look around, but nothing was there. And when she was done, her mind suddenly exploded with memories.

Princess Madalyn. The tyrant.

Her servant, Levi. The only one who loved her.

Prince Eren. He helped her kill the princess.

Amaya. The village girl who started it all.

And Minister Erwin. Her secret love.

Then, a bright light blinded her. She grimaced. Then, she opened her eyes. There was a big light above her. People in white clothes backed away. She sat up as people came into view. It was all the people from her memories. She was about to lunge at the princess, but then she saw no reason to hurt her.

Her memories dissappered. She was a new person. Hanji...

"Hi." The brown haired girl said. "I'm Madalyn. Welcome to Vocaloid."

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