I still want to sing

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Note: Madalyn is wearing a black lace crop top with jean shorts and black high tops. Her hair is pulled up in a high ponytail!!!

Madalyn's POV:

"Hi Leo-Senpai!" I yell as I hug Leo from behind. He laughs and spins me around.

I giggle as he sets me down and faces me. He smiles and sits in his chair again.

"Hey Madalyn! We have a new song for you! Go into the booth and we'll prepare the song for you." He mused to me.

I beamed and almost ran to the booth. What can I say? I'm a vocaloid for pete's sake!

"Love, love, love, love is non-existent!" I sung the final note. Through my headphones I heard clapping from the booth. I looked through the window and saw my team cheering me on.

I smiled and walked out, tired from my song. It was a good to say the least.

"Good job Madalyn. Let's get you home..." Leo told me. I nodded and followed him out the door.

As we walked, we talked about normal things. My new songs, his breakthroughs in Vocaloid technology. I always loved these conversations. Especially with him.

"Leo, do you ever wonder what it's like to be a Vocaloid?" I suddenly say out of the blue. He looked over at me, not saying anything at first.

"Why do you say that?"



"I always wonder what it's like to be a human." I blurt out.

"Why do you-"

"Beacuse when humans fall in love they can be happy! I can't." I yell.

He blinks at me. I look at the ground, and blink back tears. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me, his warm embrace meeting my cold one.


"I'm sorry. I never knew you felt that way. Madalyn, even though your a Vocaloid, people do love you. Even..." He trailed off.

By then, we were in front of my home, Vocaloid headquaters. I smiled at him and pecked his cheek.

"Thank you." I mumble before walking away into the glass doors. Before I turn to see him again.

But, he's already gone..


"Hey guys! Where's Leo?" I ask as I skip into the music room.

Harper, his assintant and one of my best friends, looked at me with remorse. I furrow my brow in curiosity.

"Madalyn, he got fired. He's gone." She muttered.

I never knew a few words could destroy a digital world like mine.

Or that a Vocaloid could cry as much as I did.


"So, he's our new boss?" Harper asked Dan. He nodded as I stood in between them.

The new man replacing Leo was tall and fat. He had jet black hair with a small black beard. He wore a gray suit. And a sour look.

"Ah, you must be Madalyn! The Vocaloid?" He asked me. I felt like shrinking behind Harper.

"Y-Yes." I answer.

"I need to show you something. Follow me."

Even though I didn't want to, I followed him.

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