Sword Art Online

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Tharon's POV:

I still remember the day I became trapped. Trapped in the world of Sword Art Online. I never thought of this game becoming a death trap. Not a video game.

Still, even now as I'm fighting the final  boss with my team, I still think back to the first day. Even the days I became friends with my party.

"Tharon! Watch out!" Ella yelled to me I snapped my head to the left and dodge an attack. I give about fifteen slices into the monsters flesh.

Madalyn and Rose were on top of the boss, trying to break it's neck. I had to give them credit, it's a good tactic.


"WE DID IT!" Rose yelled as the beast hit the ground with a thud. I grin and go to my party, who's celebrating.

"I can't belive it! We're all free!" Madalyn exclaimed. Then, they stopped.

"What's wrong? Didn't we just beat the final boss?" I ask.

"We're free. We won't be with each other when we wake up..." Ella mumbled.

Then, I remembered my old life. How I imagined coming home to see my family. But I always thought I'd still see Madalyn, Rose, and Ella. I never thought about them not being there when I woke up.

Without even thinking, I grabbed their hands and ran outside. We sat on a ledge, overlooking the beautiful world of Sword Art Online. The world we were trapped in for two years.

Ella wrapped an arm around me and Rose. Madalyn, on the other side of me, wrapped one of her's around me too. Rose wrapped her arm around Ella, while my arms went around Madalyn and Ella.

We stayed like that for a little, while we saw the world's inhabitants slowly fade away to the real world. Back to their familes, away from here.

But me, I didn't really want to leave.

When the ground around us started making our own bodies fade, we all squeezed tighter.

"I'll find you. I promise." Was the last thing I ever told them, before waking up.

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