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I walked down the castle's corridor with G, N, and Lucy. Our parents sent us here to visit them again. I was happy, because I really like these trips. It helps me find out more great grandmother.

"Did you find anything else about them?" G asks me. 

"They, were the reason for all of this." I say, pointing to the entire castle. The others smile and stop at the huge door. The door we stare at so many times. 

The stone door was cut into four sections. One section had a flame, for my great grandmother, who was called "The Flame". To the right of it, was a moon, for N's ancestor, "The Moon". Below that, was a star, symbolizing who was Lucy's, "The Star". Then, below mine, was a skull, for G.

I walked to it, hesitating a bit before pushing it open. A bright light shone through our eyes, but then we gasped at the room. There were four huge stained glass windows. In the windows were...The Adventures.

Madalyn was on the far right. She had her rose quartz sword in a graceful pose, smiling down. Rose was next. Her arms were crossed, and she was grinning gear to ear. After Rose was Ella, who had her red wings sprouted out, her kind eyes shining. Then, on the far left, was Tharon, who had his whips above his head, his signature smirk on his face. I smiled at the pedestals. Each on was placed directly underneath the glass, with the symbols of each one on the front. 

On each one, was their weapon. Madalyn's sword. Rose's staff. Ella's gauntlets. Tharon's whips.

"I wish you could of met them." A voice said behind us. We all turned to see who was talking. It was the old lord, Aphmau Phoinex. She was the oldest person in the kingdom.

"I'm the only person left who was alive when they first came to Phoinex Drop. Because, I'm Irene, I guess." She says. She looks up at the glass, and her amber eyes become misty.

"I miss them. Everyone who knew them does." She sniffs. I look at the ground, angry again that I never knew her.

"They wrote letters to everyone before they passed, all those years ago. To their children, and grandchildren. But, they saved something for you four." Aphmau said again.


Dear grandchild,

Oh, I wish I could have met you. Really, I could have taught you the craziest things. Wanna learn Japanese? Call Grandma Rose!

I bet you've heard stories about me. I want you to know, that you don't have to follow in my footsteps. Please, I want to see you blossom.

Real bravery comes from your heart, not your brain. I've gone through a lot during my life, and I want to to know that.

I'm always watching, woooo



Dear who ever,

You can tell I don't know what to say. I mean, this is my great-grandchild!  Well, uh hi? My name is Ella. I guess since your reading this, I'm gone. I hope you grow to be an amazing person, oh, i know you will.

Never give up on anything you set r mind to. Unless it's bad, then don't do it...




You may know who I am, Madalyn. I wish I could have known you, but I guess time is really a menace. I don't really have much to say, only, that even though I never met you, I love you. 

Love is a weird thing. It can make you feel strong, weak, or just...different. I've experienced that myself, truthfully. All you need to know is, let everything just play out. 

Well, unless your getting stabbed by your friend, don't exactly follow my footsteps, be your own Ro'meave.

See ya later,



Well, this is awkward,

I mean, if your reading this, I guess I'm dead? Ugh, this is so weird. Anyways, my wife told me t do this, for some reason the girls came up with. My name is Tharon. I guess when I say don't be me, I mean don't be stupid. Or maybe, don't be like my friends.

When you read this, remember that the world can suck sometimes. But, don't let it get to your head, kid.

Best of luck,

Tharon Motoko


After the children read the letters, they devoted their lives to being the next Adventures. But, they did do something that equaled what The Adventures.

They created a guilds, earning themselves a room in the castle. When visitor came to the palace, they smiled at the names engraved below each stained galls mural.

Erza Scarlet and Madalyn Ro'meave

Natsu Dragoneel and Rose Lagrand

Grey Fullbuster and Tharon Motoko

Lucy Heartfilla and Ella Leible

The true Adventures have passed, but that doesn't mean there aren't more. 

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