The Power of the Voice

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The fall of Lemmy gave the Knights, no choice but to listen to Oleg. A great danger was imminent and the fact the dying light of day would soon appear in Junipo, meant Oleg had little time to explain what was going on. Those who dissented and were loyal to Lemmy had their hands tied behind their back. They were watched over by Devin, who had no problem using their Vetir against them if he had too. They were an ear shot away from Oleg. He had gathered the townsfolk and the remaining Knights around the infamous well at the centre of the town.

Oleg stood upon the step. It was where Lemmy had first made his claim to tyranny. Jane was next to him, holding his hand for support, channelling as much courage into him as she could. Hudson and Lior stood to the side, allowing all the attention to be drawn to Oleg. A nervous gulp thumped in Oleg's throat, though his words were delivered with a calmness that uncharacteristically didn't match the renowned moniker of the boy.

"Bounders of Junipo, what I am about to tell you may seem unbelievable at first, but trust me you need to hear it."

Oleg gave the crowd a slight pause, to ensure all ears tuned to his voice and all eyes were upon him. There wasn't a stir in the crowd or movement. He had them where he needed them.

"Once the sun goes down, I can assure you havoc is likely to break loose. You see the deeds of our past have caught up with us and a powerful sorcerer who names himself Erasmus, is seeking out revenge."

"What are these deeds?" called out Matilda crossing her arms. The frown upon her face glared at him with suspicion, causing her glasses to wobble.

"I am sure most of you know Juniper Island was a vacant, unoccupied land. It's been proclaimed by our ancestors to be a discovery that would only be dreamt up in fantasy. The abundance of fruit, schools of fish, eternal warm weather and crystal blue water make this place a paradise. But rest assured paradise isn't always what it seems."

"We were not the first to occupy this land. We were second. The Urthkai like myself, Jane and Hudson, as well as Dom, who you haven't met yet, are the true natives of the land. Our ancestors were merely forgotten in what I can only describe as a hostile takeover."

Murmurs bounced around the crowd and whispers travelled like a breeze tickling their ears. Slowly, the volume of their chatter became louder, turning into arguments and sorrowful cries.

"Lies! All lies I tell you!" screamed Lemmy, pounding his feet on the ground. The shaking of head and redness upon his face made him look it was about to pop off.

"Shut it would you or it's goodnight for you," said Devin kicking him in the tailbone. Lemmy rolled over clenching his teeth. His eyes bulged out at him with disgust. "Continue on, son," said Devin nodding at him. The crowd came to an abrupt hush. Lemmy sunk his head onto a pile sand in front of him. He had  reached the point where he would do anything to drown out the truth.

"I am not here to make you feel guilty or even make you pay for what you've done. I know there is good in your all hearts and that you were all just shrouded from the truth. My friends and I want to save you, and protect your families and Junipo from this evil Urthkai. Because if he gets his way, I can assure they'll be none of us left."



A dubious paradise

These concepts were too foreign for the Bounders to understand, all of which were discussed out a loud by the townsfolk. Some where more vocal about it than others.Juniper Island was their  sanctuary, their form of utopia. To their knowledge it was undisturbed land and a blessing granted to them by Pyra himself.

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