Long Awaited Plan

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A grumbling burp from Lemmy Thistlewaite signalled the end to the dinner party. He sat at the end of a long rectangle table. The Tropical Knights sat  along its edges each positioned on their designated chairs. The Knights sat silently watching the mayor wipe his face a bright orange napkin. It was in this moment the mayor was gathering his thoughts for the evening's agenda.

Each week the Tropical would gather in his house to discuss weekly issues and events. They were after all law makers and enforcers of the island hence it was only fitting that they would customarily eat the sweetest pineapples and tangiest mangoes before every meeting.

Lemmy Thistewaite by far owned the most elaborate house on the island making the gathering even more prestigious. It was triple the size of a typical Bounder house but only had one bedroom, kitchen, dining room, washroom and toilet. It's roof stood above Junipo making the tallest of the lot too. Gold tapestry covered his house from wall to wall paying homage to the glorious God Pyra. Thick wooden beams ran along the ceiling holding the might of the building together. The floorboards were immaculate sparkling like the stars in the night sky. If it weren't for the effort of his poor housekeeper, they would look as dull as any other house on the island.

The ample amount of space allowed for sound to echo easily from room to room. Lemmy felt like it added a godlike character to his voice. The paintings of Pyra situated in every room added to its temple like quality. One painting in particular that could be found behind his dining chair placed great emphasis of this. It portrayed Pyra in the form of a Bounder jumping to the sun. Its gold skin and its fine, draping hair made it unmistakably him. It was a far cry from who truly presided over Junipo and the island.

Being the mayor did bring a life of splendour to the individual but the wealth Lemmy had amassed over the years was thanks to his parents and elder relatives who had served as the mayor before him. No one thought to challenge this norm because Juniper Island never had any trouble. The Thistlewaite's were the captains of the ship and the rest of the Bounders were the mindless crew who hoisted the sails for any journey they were taken on.

However, the recent anomalies that had plagued the island brought out a side that Lemmy kept secretly hidden. The facade of a man confident in his leadership and undisturbed by adversity had faded into a public display of maniacal mayhem. Under his position of power, laid Bounders fretting with fear knowing a time like this could come.

A time when deep secrets would be unearthed

"Before we begin I have a question for one of you," said Lemmy darting his eyes about till he had found who he was after. "How are finding being a Knight, young Bounder", said the mayor to Kai, who was caught in an awkward fashion gulping down his mango cider.

"Ahh fantastic I guess. It's not what I thought."

"Not what you thought?" Lemmy he said arching back in his chair. "What did you expect boy fighting giants and sea monsters?"

A raucous laugh erupted at the table. Kai's uncle, Devin Le Pure held him in a headlock ruffling his hair.

"No sir, I just thought we did more."

"By Pyra what an audacious statement," said Lemmy banging his fists on the table as his plate jumped an inch into the air. "The Tropical Knights were not formed to do more, we do what we were tasked to do; to weed out the weird."

"Like Oleg." Kai stammered as he mentioned his name. He knew he was treading in risky territory, though his obsession of The Oaf was unnatural- innately instinctive in a way.

"Precisely my boy, it's the reason why we are here tonight. Normally we would dabble in gossip about him, but now we truly have a genuine issue to talk about. He has broken the curfew; he's guilty as can be." The mayor gave Kai a devilish smirk. It made him feel uneasy, though he had to press on.

"Sir are you saying he is our prime suspect in regards to Tina and Lorne's disappearance?" The words rushed out of him nervously. He hoped he didn't commit a taboo. Juniper Island was meant to be a place where no one was guilty.

"He most certainly is. Do any of you disagree with that?"

A sigh of relief escaped Kai. It overruled the shock that came after him. These supposed values appeared to be as thin as the parchment it was written on.

The room remained quiet. Glances were shared. The fear of disagreeing with the mayor made it difficult to refute him. The recent surfacing of his tyrannical behaviour had stunned the Knights into submission.

"Good", said Lemmy folding his arms. "Can anyone state why our accusation is true?"

"He runs off all the time. He is always in a hurry and doesn't stop to chat to his fellow Bounders," said Henry Trumbo as quick as he could. He had beady eyes, a wrinkled forehead and a scrawny face; an appearance fitting to a vulture.

"Yes, very true Mr Trumbo. Why is the little Oaf in a rush? What is he running from or to?"

His questions were met with nodding heads and quiet chatter.

"Sir, he also has made an unlikely friendship with Lior Lieberg", said Lucille Argus standing up from the table. "I find that troublesome," she said shaking her head in disgust. Her eyes were as dark as the night that had fallen upon them.  Her nimble frame and permanent scowl made her an ideal candidate for an assassin. She was the type that would be willing to do her masters bidding without hesitation. 

 "I don't", interjected Kai with a snort. "Lior is in the same basket as the Oaf. Fate was destined to eventually bring them together."

"Thus that is why the Lior must be a suspect too," replied the mayor. "He has also broken the curfew. I must say it is quite unexpected."  He flashed the boy a smile of affirmation.

"Too true Sir, one could only imagine what secrets the two share," said Kai.

"Oh young Kair, you are on to something. Rather than go for the Yardells, we should inquire about the Liebergs instead?" said Lucille in a sinister tone. She cracked her knuckles flashing some of the elder Knights a wicked grin. 

"Lucille it is not feasible. We should be chasing the guilty before the accused. Oleg Yardell is always up to something, it would be more sensible to chase him, besides that we need unity in our community," said the Kai in a commanding voice. All eyes were glued on him. The chatter had stopped.

"The Oaf is clearly our number one suspect. I believe we need to not go after him but his parents; Break the body before we silence the soul", he said in sickening tone.

"My oh my Kai Le Pure, your scheming is above par. It is a true sign of a Tropical Knight. As you venture with us more you'll learn of things that will astound you, but for now let us focus on the Yardells."

Lucile sat down and extended out her hand indicating that Kai had rightfully won the floor. 

"Please tell me sir. I want to be the best Knight I can be!"

"Rest easy my boy, your time will come," said the mayor lowering his hand at him.

"Huzzah!", chanted Devin, Henry and handful of knights as they raised goblets above their heads.

"Looks like the Knights approve your plan.  Lets clash goblets and made this plan official", said the mayor triumphantly. 

His words stirred up another chant of Huzzah. All of the Knights now had their goblets raised to the roof. The clash of goblets followed and the sweet mango liquid travelled down their mouths with satisfaction tingling their taste buds into a frenzy.

To the mayor the Oaf was a thorn in his side that had lingered around for years. Finally the last obstacles for his manifesto of progress could be buried once and for all.

The days of the last native was numbered. 

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