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I could feel the demon taking hold of my mind, like the string was there, but it was now being used to move me at her will and against mine. I was then back in that empty space. But this time there was no light to reach out to. Just black, inky darkness.

"You're going to regret this, bitch!" I yelled into nothingness, desperate to fight the overwhelming fear that was overtaking me. The woman suddenly appeared at my side, her pink eyes illuminating her face.

"You're my vessel, sweetheart." She said, arching a brow. "There's nothing you can do now. There's no point in trying to fight it. I'll let you take the reins every once and a while, it won't be that bad. "

Fear and anger festered and burned in the pit of my chest, and I found myself spinning around with my fist clenched with all intent punch her in her pretty face. She was gone before I could, though.

"You better learn how to behave." She suddenly hissed through grit teeth as she reappeared behind me, pointing her slender finger at me and shoving me back just slightly once I turned around. Her pink illuminated face vanished, and I was now very, very alone, and feeling increasingly claustrophobic despite the vast space around me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, tears brimming along my eyelashes as I tried to breathe and calm myself. I had to try and find the light, but there was nothing to hold onto anymore. My hands felt like bits of ice were beginning to form along them. When I opened my eyes again, I was laying on the floor of the room I had woken up in before. I was in control again, but it hadn't been my doing. I really didn't care, though.

My mouth felt like dry cotton, and I could feel the faint trail of blood that dripped steadily from my left nostril. I slowly sat up as I stared at my feet for a bit, trying not to throw up before attempting to stand. The disgusting smell of rotting animals and undoubtedly mold did not help.

My fingers rubbed across leather-like fabric that loosely hugged my arms and shoulders. The demon was so offended by my horrendous fashion choices that she literally decided to cover up my now ruined sweater. I don't know whether to feel offended or weirded out, but I left the jacket for now. It was incredibly cold in the room, and any extra warmth was welcomed. My mind, while on the topic of warmth, suddenly seemed to travel to one thing that I associated with it. Kindle. Kindle was here, at least according to the other demon.

"Kindle?" I called out, my hand trailing across the chipped and damaged walls of the room. I was so concentrated on following the faint bit of light I was given that I ended up stumbling over one of the pieces of covered furniture that littered the place I was in. I cursed, loudly, before getting back to my feet and glaring back down at the bulging cloth. My jeans had ripped on one of the stray tools and my now dirtied knees had started to bleed. If I died from an infection and not a demon, I was going to be pissed.

I was about to walk away when I noticed something strange about the cloth. It was stained an odd pink color, and something seemed to be poking out from underneath it. I trailed back over to it, curiously crouching beside the lumpy figure. My fingers trailed at the seam of the cloth before I pulled it up, and I had never screamed louder in my entire life. A fucking body was right in front of my eyes. I fell backwards and hit my head on an actual piece of furniture, my eyes turning starry.

He was a bearded man, his skin pale and yellowish, like all of his blood had been drained out of him. His eyes had rolled up into the back of his head and his short hair had bloodied patches torn out. A long, jagged cut ran across his throat curling up to his mouth that was hanging open, his jaw chillingly loose.

I didn't want to see anymore.

I threw the cloth back over him as quick as I could, gagging and covering my mouth, hugging my knees to myself. I stared at my surroundings, struggling back to my feet with my shaking knees as I raced into the door, slamming into it as hard as I could. I could see a faint sliver of a glow coming from underneath it. I had to go towards the light.

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