Pals and pentagrams

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"Matthew!" My dad called from downstairs, pausing me in the act of getting comfortable with a book in my pile of blankets, a bag of chips at my side.

I muttered under my breath and moved from the carefully constructed resting spot, irritated I'd have to do it all over again.

"Matthew!" My dad said, louder and angrier this time.

"I'm coming!" I shouted as I grabbed the banister and spun to face the stairs. I took my sweet time going down them just to tick him off.

"Don't take that tone with me." He met me around the corner, eyes narrowed.

I crossed my arms and softened my gaze a little bit, and I could see it in his face that he knew I was in a foul mood, and he wasn't looking for an argument.

"What do you need?" I asked, a little more irritated than I should've let on. I followed my dad to the door. He grabbed his keys off the table, frowning.

"Your aunt asked for me to come visit her for a little bit today. I was wondering if you wanted to go along." Dad said, and I paused, glancing up at him. "You probably like her more than you do your mom and I."


"So, are you going?"

I considered this, it's not like I had anything important to do anyway. "Sure."

He opened the door, and I walked to the cubby to slip on a pair of shoes. I made sure I had my phone in my pocket before I followed after him. The wind chimes hanging near our door were ringing with the gentle breeze that tossed them around. The hollow, eirie noise made my skin crawl.

Soon enough I was in my dad's car, both of us silent as he drove down the road. Houses flitted past the window in a movie-like manner, this making me scowl and face forward.

"You been getting any sleep at all lately?" My dad suddenly asked, and an immediate discomfort set over me. I pulled at my sweater.

"Not really." I muttered. For some reason he was quiet after that, and before I knew it we were pulling up to a white and pale green house, with a dark green door that had odd symbols on it.

My dad wasn't on the best terms with his sister, though I knew he tried to get along with her for my sake. What can I say, I was fascinated by all things weird, Aunt Jade being one of them.

Just I swung the door open, the green one to her house did so, and my aunt peered out. She had her mousy brown hair tied back and a slight smile on her face. She wore her signature quartz around her neck, the gemstone swinging as she beckoned us forward.

"Steven, Matthew!" She said, and I frowned for that was the third time an adult yelled my name like I was in trouble today.

My dad looked a little uncomfortable, but he let his sister embrace him anyway. I darted into the house before she could catch me, too.

"We won't be long." My aunt said as she walked in with my dad, waving me off. "How about you go check on the animals, Matt?"

Admittedly, I perked up a little at this. "Alright."

I made my way through her living room, masks from all over as well as crystals and paintings hung on her wall. There were two doors along them, both being open. Instinctively, I knew the right one to head to.

I entered the dimly lighted room, spotting two decent sized enclosures. One held a realistic halved log and leaves, the bottom being filled with dirt and various plants. The second was more of a cage, this one visibly showing off a parakeet as it pecked around a toy with a bell inside.

MatthewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora