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"Fuck off."

"I said you wouldn't like it."

"You can't be serious, Kindle?"

The demon was standing now, as were Ryan and I. My heart was racing, and it was rather hard to hear the two of them talk over the sound of it literally pounding in my ears. I hugged my arms, fingers digging into the fabric of my sweater.

"It's the best option we have." Kindle says, watching me with concern. "I know... I know it doesn't sound good. But you'll be fine, I promise."

"You're asking to possess me, Kindle!" I exclaimed, the color returning to my face. "Isn't that the endgame for the other demon too? You said something about her being a lot stronger if she possessed the person that summoned her. She wants to use me. How do I know you won't do that?"

"..Don't.. you trust me?" He genuinely sounded hurt.

"I don't know!" I roared in frustration and tugged again at my sleeves, and Ryan gave me a tired look.

"They'll find us again soon." Kindle urged, gently touching my shoulder. "Please, Matthew. I just want to keep you safe.."

I tore myself away from him with a scowl. What was he thinking?

"I'll do it." Ryan said suddenly, and both Kindle and I looked up in suprise.

"All this stuff happening is just as much my fault as it is Matthew's. You might not be as strong, but you can use me." Ryan said, nervously rubbing his arm.

I instantly glared. "There's no way I'm letting you do that."

"Are you sure, Ryan?" Kindle asked.

"Yes." Ryan said, fidgeting his hands, not looking too sure of himself. He was getting paler by the second.

"Damn it." I hissed, and faced Kindle. "How do you possess someone?"

"I just...possess them." He said slowly.

"Matthew, you don't have to.." Ryan trailed off.

"Neither do you." I glared.

I sure didn't want to do it, but if I had a chance to keep Ryan out of this, I was gonna take it.

Suddenly, another familiar bark filled the air. Ryan straightened up and his back hit the fence, looking terrified, and I faced the opening of the woods. There the dark mastiff-like creature stood. Kindle planted himself between the beast and I as it glared at me pointedly. I watched and cursed in frustration as the other creatures slowly approached from behind it.

"If you're going to do something, do it now." I demanded, and Kindle turned back to look at me. Sad, dark eyes were the last things I saw before everything turned white.

I felt cramped. Like something was pushing down on me from every angle. I felt constricted. It didn't last long, but soon faded into a dull pressure, like someone pressing down on my chest. Whispering suddenly kicked up, and I tried to move. Maybe to get away from the voices. I couldn't think clearly. It felt like sleep paralysis, I couldn't find a way to lift my arms or my legs or even my head.

"Are you even listening?" A sharp voice suddenly reverberates throughout my head, and I am finally able to lift my palm to my forehead and grimace. I'm sitting on my knees.

I blink away the white glowing from behind my eyelids, trying to figure out where I was. Rough wood and splinters dug into my legs, and I was gripping something. It felt..cold..and sharp.

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