"Pfft, rude." Camila scoffs, throwing her fist forward to hit my shoulder but she misses due to lack of sight and stumbles forward. I laugh as she steadies herself.


"Lauren!" Camila shouts, groaning. "The point of this is to show you that I do trust you. Now, come on. Let's go into the forest. I'm ready."

"Then let's go." I roll my eyes playfully but then remember she can't see me so I shrug. I begin to walk onward when she coughs loudly.

"I can't see where you went, Lauren. Was this a bad idea?" Camila crosses her arms, shifting her weight to one hip.

"No, definitely not. I just forget easily. How about I hold your hand so I remember that you're here?" I suggest, looking behind me at Camila.

"It hurts that you need a hand to remember that I'm around but whatever you say, Lo." Camila says, reaching one arm forward with an open hand.

I take a step back, grabbing her hand. It's warm yet soft and fits surprisingly well in mine. What if...? I shake my head, attempting to rid of my thoughts. Definitely not.

"Whisk me away!" Camila cheers and I think she is enjoying this more than she should. But I smile nevertheless because... Camila is happy and happy Camila is happy me.

"Your wish is my command." I tease her, strolling us into the trees. Light streams in from the tree canopies, creating a different hue of red and yellow through each strand of sunlight. The colors scatter the dirt ground, making the fallen leaves look alive.

It's crazy how everything is so beautiful as it's all dying.

I then hear a wince of pain and Camila's hand tighten in mine. "Holy frick, ow!" She complains, grabbing her foot with her free hand. "You're supposed to tell me these things!"

"What happened?" I ask, concern dripping unwillingly into my voice. I hate when it does that.

"I don't know! I can't see, Lauren." Camila pouts. I notice a tree root near her feet and presume that she stubbed her toe or something.

"I'm so sorry." Letting go of her hand, I press my fingers to my temples. "I wasn't paying attention, I—"

"Lo, it's fine." Camila coaxes, blindly reaching for me. "I do trust you, you know."

I dodge her hands. "I don't know why. I just let you hit a tree root." I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Come here." She coos, opening her arms. Hesitantly, I walk into her embrace, I can feel her arms snaking around my neck. Her heart beats against my chest like a song. I hold her waist tightly.

People say that music has a sound and a beat and words. So do we. Our sound is silence, the beat is our heartbeats as one, and the lyrics are everything we never said.

We are music.

"Let's just try again, okay?" Camila says suddenly, pulling away from me. I nod, even though she can't see, and I take her hand again. This time, I promise I'm going to look out for her.

"Yeah." I hum, pulling her forward. I keep my eyes on her feet more than my own. I honestly don't trust myself so this must be a self-trust-exercise, as well.

We stroll for a while in silence while I gently jerk her occasionally to avoid the roots along the shedding trees. I can't help but look back at her. It's almost like I'm always looking over my shoulder because I don't ever want to miss her.

I mean, of course, I'm supposed to be looking at her. Like, her feet and arms to make sure she isn't going to trip or whatever. But I shouldn't be looking like this. It's wrong.

Her hair is messily draped across her face and her lips are slightly parted. Her nostrils occasionally flare and it makes my heart jump. I hate it.

But I can't help it.

I see a caterpillar near her shoe and I call out, "watch out, Camz. Stop trying to murder innocent caterpillars. It's disrespectful."

Camila moves her feet just in time to save the little furry bug. "Even if I were to accidentally kill the poor guy, it would be your fault because you're the one leading."

"I'm offended." I deadpan, hiding a smile that is peeking out. Thank god, Camila can't see right now or else I'd look like an idiot.

"Good." Camila crinkles her nose at a tree, but I'm guessing the gesture is supposed to be pointed at me. Oh well. I laugh anyway because she just looks cute right now.

"Come on, dork." I laugh softly, pulling her by her hand again. She grins, the corners of her mouth bring up the black cloth lightly.

"How far are we in the forest?" Camila asks, her voice small. She is humming gently under her breath and smiling faintly.

She's so naturally happy. I wish I was the cause of it.

"Almost out, actually." I answer.

"Oh my god, you didn't kill me!" She beams, making me laugh.

"I could never." I assure her, continuing to walk out of the mostly naked trees. "I like—"

Camila's startled yell cuts me off.



As Lauren is mid-sentence, I feel a sharp pain in my foot and I fall forward. I let out a yelp as I stumble.

"Camz!" Her raspy voice drips with concern.

Failing to regain my balance, I start to fall to the ground. But, Lauren's hand plants securely on my waist. I can still feel her other hand clasped tightly in mine.

My body falls into her instead and I grab onto her figure. My arms are tightly wrapped around her mid-torso and she keeps me upward.

"Oh god... you scared me." Lauren murmurs to herself.

I lift up my blindfold and an intense green gaze is the first thing I see. It basically swallows me. Our faces are so close. Our noses are basically touching and no one is moving.

I can feel Lauren's breath on my lips and my heart pounds through my ribcage. One swift move and we would be kissing.

But Lauren steps away.

"Sorry, I didn't see the uneven sidewalk." Lauren apologizes, rubbing the nape of her neck sheepishly.

"It's okay." I smile, however disappointed in what could've happened. What I could've made happen. I tug off the rest of the black cloth and stuff it in my pocket.

A brief moment of awkward silence fills the air before Lauren speaks again, "I'll walk you home?"

"Yeah." I nod softly, falling into step with Lauren. I tug her jacket tighter around my body. The scent of vanilla is intoxicating and soothing.

As I shoot a quick glance over at Lauren, I can't keep but linger longer than necessary.

One move and everything would be different.

Just one move.


A/N: hallo! Finally, it's on time! I actually didn't write the first four days of the six so I technically could've finished it in two but life's life.

Anyway, if you liked this chapter, please star it. Thank you so much and have a beautiful day!


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