Bonus: [3.5] alternate ending

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This is a part I deleted from part three about Hayley's brother, Charlie, and his amnesia.

See what you think...


I plant him in his bed and smooth the sheets over him which he always loves.

"Story! Story! Story!" He bounces up and down.

"Okay... How about the one with Bob?" I say and perch on the side of his bed.

"No! It's got to have me in it!"

Here we go...

"Okay. One day, there was a boy called Charlie." He giggles as I say his name. "And Charlie always saw himself as a normal boy. Until...."

I hold the suspense.

"What?" Charlie pleads with huge eyes.

"He discovers that he has a magical power. He becomes so strong that he can do anything he wants to. He could lift an entire car!"

"Wooaah." Charlie gasps from beside me.

"But unfortunately, Charlie's power wasn't good at all. He became so strong that when he tried to open doors, the handles came off! Now Charlie lived in Alaska, you see, and it snowed a lot so in Winter he wore a fur coat. But rumours started to spread because Charlie's coat made him look like a strange bear and people kept trying to capture or hurt him."

"No, I won't let them!" Charlie clings onto my arm as I tell the story. His brown eyes are fierce but his round face only allows him to look cute.

"In the end, Charlie goes to live in the mountains, where he can not be found. He even made shoes which imprinted upside down footprints into the snow so that if anyone tried to follow his footprints, they would lead in the opposite direction to where he actually was. Charlie was a very clever boy."

"He sounds like it." Charlie murmurs in awe.

"Definitely. And so Charlie lived in the snowy mountains for many more years and this is how the legend of the yetis came about."

I am so pleased that I told him what yetis were yesterday, otherwise I would have to explain about them all over again which I am definitely not in the mood for.


"Yes Charlie?"

"What are yetis? I can't remember."

Oh for the love of— Can't this child remember anything?

But then it is true. For cute little Charlie, my poor brother, has a form of amnesia and doesn't remember much these days.

I love HER ✔️ (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz