[23] The Moments We Miss

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So here's another part, please tell me what you think!

Remember to... bet you won't get this one... comment, remember to COMMENT!! ;)



Just at the wrong moment, just at the point when five seconds of my summer would have made a huge impact (yes I did that on purpose), someone had to come and ruin it.

Zeke was so close, so close to kissing me.

I don't know what I would have done if he had. It's never really dawned on me that he may like me. Yeah, I have a crush on him but he is way out of my league and I just thought that our flirty behaviour was all part of our playful and jokey relationship. The fact that he was about to kiss me... Means that he likes me?


No way.

But the thing is, if he does like me, do I like him back?

Stupid me, how can anyone not like Zeke Westley? He's unbelievably gorgeous and charming, protects me when I'm in danger, and is popular with all of the girls. That doesn't make me feel good though. That makes me seem like I'm just another one of the many dolls that he plays with (yes a boy can play with dolls). But then... We're friends. Even if he doesn't like me in the way I like him, it doesn't mean that he won't have the courtesy to respect our friendship.

Anyway, all of this doesn't seem to matter now that our moment has been ruined.

Because just at the wrong time, I feel slippery buckets of ice cold water being poured all over us.

"Water fight!" Mace yells and Zeke curses before getting up.

"Fuck you!" He shouts angrily and races after him.

I then feel water being sprayed at me from my right, and turn to see Myles grinning evilly as he dampens my clothes with his twisted desire to completely destroy any pride that I have left in me. I snatch the water pistol out of his hand, only to watch him take out a second, and soon I am giggling away as I get involved in a huge water fight.

I find Baz, James, Dylan and Rebecca throwing water at each other too and make it my mission to get every single one of them wet. Rebecca is easy as I manage to sneak up behind her while she is staring lovingly at Mace and pour water down her back. She is so funny when she screams and I swear my ear drums exploded.

I manage to take the hose and aim at Dylan and Baz as they stand there dumbly trying to refill their water pistols, which means that James is my next target. I am just about to go for the angelic boy, when I feel arms wrap around my waist and lift me off my feet.

"Now where do you think you're going, missy?" I hear a growl in my ear making me giggle.

"Away from you!" I screech and empty all the water from the bucket I'm holding onto his head.

Zeke glares at me. "Oh you little—"

He never has time to finish his sentence because soon I am sprinting to the other end of the garden, away from all of my evil friends. I keep running but don't hear any footsteps chasing me so I gradually slow down.

Has he gone? Has he left me alone? Did I outrun him?

I feel so proud right now I should do a happy dance.

Suddenly cold water drenches me from head to foot. My hair is dripping, my top has gone transparent to reveal my pretty bra and water is soaking through my shorts too, but still I manage to have the guts to charge towards the jerk who chucked the water at me and try to get him back.

I literally throw myself at Zeke, knocking him to the floor. I don't have any water left so I just pound him with my fists and try to keep him on the ground. Eventually I manage to straddle him and pin his wrists to the floor.

See? I would be such a good secret agent.

"Okay okay, truce?" Zeke laughs.

"Hm..." I click my tongue and answer jokingly. "No way am I making deals with you."

"Hayley, please, you can get off me now." He says.

I smirk and lean my face closer to his to reply in a sickly sweet voice. "Make me."

He rolls his eyes before wriggling one of his wrists free from my grasp. He reaches to my face, which is only inches away from his, and rests a hand on my cheek. Gently, he tugs my face even closer to his and his eyes pause looking at my lips. My breathing increases and my heart thumps in my chest as my body gets warmer. I don't really know what to do. Is he waiting for me to kiss him? Am I meant to nod or something? What is he waiting for?

I feel his finger brush my lips and he pulls me closer towards him.

Please don't say this will be a repeat of last time. Please don't say this will be a repeat of last time.

But instead of water being chucked on us, we do actually manage to find some peace in each other's company. He bites his lip at me once more before brushing his lips softly against mine. He leans back for my reaction and we share a huge grin before he pulls me in for the real kiss. His lips connect to mine and before I know it—

God I hate you Zeke Westley.

That jerk. Instead of continuing kissing me, he manages to flip me over so that he is on top of me. I'm too busy kissing him to notice when he pins my wrists to the floor. Slowly, he retracts his lips from mine and smirks.

"You shouldn't get so carried away." He warns. "Truce?"

I see that I have no other option as I am now locked in his arms. Although that wouldn't be a bad thing...

"Zeke, get off me." I scowl angrily.

"Make me." He mimics me from last time, making my scowl deepen.

"If I agree to your truce, will you get off me?" I ask impatiently.

"Depends whether you'll kiss me again."

I roll my eyes. "Number one, I'm not paying you with kisses so stop making me seem like I'm a prostitute or something, and number two: you kissed me first."

He taps my nose. "You kissed me back though, which means that...?"

"Ugh." I bat his hand away and he looks a bit taken aback. "I'm not going to kiss you again, okay? You only kissed me just then so that you could trick me, so I'm not falling into any more of your feeble little traps again."

He pouts. "But I wasn't trying to trick you."

"Whatever, believe what you want." I roll my eyes. "Now, truce?"

He doesn't reply for a few seconds and I start to get weirded out. He looks deeply into my eyes, then down at my lips, and then back up to my eyes again. He must decide against kissing my lips and instead places a small but meaningful kiss on my forehead.

"Truce." He whispers.

I love HER ✔️ (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon