[12] pt.1: Complications and Explanations

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I thought that you deserved another chapter...

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Thump. "Bitch!"

Erm, what was that?

Thump, thump. "I'm not Prince Charming so stop being Repunzel."

It's the middle of the night, what could Mace want?

I open my window to see him throwing stones from his backyard. "Mace! What the hell are you doing?" I yell.

He doesn't show any of his usual jokey personality and just crosses his arms. "Come down."

"I am in my pyjamas so I am not going to just 'come down' because you're telling me to." I say stubbornly.

"I need to explain." Mace speaks sternly and I immediately know what he's talking about – that weird man from yesterday.

"I'm coming." I give him a tight-lipped smile and close the window.

After slipping into my converse and grey hoodie, I clamber downstairs and head outside. I climb the tree and manage to jump into my neighbour's backyard.

Once I land, Mace gives me a hard look. "Okay, so when I told you about my family last time, I didn't tell you the whole truth."

I take a seat beside him on his hammock. "You don't have to tell me." I smile kindly but I actually do really want to hear what he has to say.

"No it's fine. So when I said my parents died, they actually just left and I needed family to take me in. I only really had my grandparents and then an uncle. Now my uncle didn't know me that well so he came to stay for a week to get to know me. In that time, I had Zeke over and I would play with him like normal little boys would."

"You knew Zeke before you moved here?" I ask, surprised that he hadn't mentioned it before.

Mace nods. "And I didn't move here, I just moved back." He smiles tightly. "So as I was saying, my uncle came to stay but by then I was a naughty child and didn't listen to adults. Rumours had been spread that Zeke and I were once caught smoking or something behind some sheds at school and so my Uncle decided not to take me in. For a while I was annoyed at Zeke, feeling that it was his fault for getting me into such bad habits. So I finished the year of school until I was spotted by a modelling agency and was offered a job in Italy which I obviously took." He explains. "That man—"

"—was your Uncle?" I finish for him and he nods. "What did he want?"

"He was offering me a job in his company but as soon as he saw the rest of the guys he assumed that I hadn't changed from when I was younger. He gave me his number though, just to 'keep in touch'." Mace looks down. "He's leaving tomorrow, so you won't have to put up with him at all. There is no need to worry."

Aww, I never knew he could be so thoughtful.

Unless Zeke had told him or something.

"Thank you." I say and rest my head on his shoulder. "For telling me and trusting me. Do you know anything about The Blacksuits?" I raise an eyebrow, sure that Zeke will have told him about what happened with the strange figures who attacked us a few days ago.

Mace tenses, and I know that I've hit home. "Zeke will explain."

"Oh." I nod and then shrug off the disappointment. Zeke will tell me eventually. When it's safe. When it's right. "And I really am sorry, Mace."

I love HER ✔️ (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant