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Hoseok was still sleeping after what had happen yesterday night. Yoongi was still in Hoseok's room sleeping beside his bed.

Then, Hoseok was groaning and suddenly woke up and breath heavily.

Hoseok's PoV

I woke up breathing heavily and holds my forehead and sigh...

"it was just a dream..." then i looked around my room and saw Yoongi's sleeping beside my bed. Why is he sleeping here?

Then Yoongi woke up and looked at me then he ruffles his hair.

"Are you...okay?" he asked.

I was confused, why wouldn't i be? did something happened? Then Yoongi stood up.

"get yourself washed...after you're done...come downstairs.." he then walks out my room.

I ruffles my hair and walks to my bathroom to take a shower. I don't know why...but my body were all sticky from sweats..I entered the bathroom and turns on the shower tap. I just stand there letting the water flow.

"is it really just a dream? why does it felt so real...?" i hold my chest.

After i took a shower and puts on my clothes, i went out my room and went downstairs and saw all of them were gathered around. All of them sat on the long sofa and leaves the single chair empty. I went and sit...i was...i don't know...confused. Then Yoongi spoke.

" you remember what happen yesterday night?" he asked.

All of them looks at it wasn't a dream then..I looks at Yoongi and nods.

Yoongi was acting if he knows something that i don't. I sits straight and looks at Yoongi in the eye and asked him.

"do you have anything to tell me Yoongi?" he was hesitant and looks down at the floor while biting his lips.
He does know something. I don't know why but i got angry suddenly.

"Explain!" i said sternly.

Then Yoongi looks at me and took a deep breath.

"Okay...i have kept this secret for years and its about time to tell you." Yoongi said.

I just silently nods and listen to what he have to say.

"Long ago, before Hades met your mother Eva...he has a first wife...Lucia. Hades and her got married by force. It was an arrange marriage. Lucia loves Hades so much but Hades doesn't, because he had a crush on your mother Eva....the angel. Lucia is a pure demon...she hates your mother. At some point, Lucia had a child...a son. The rightful Ruler of the Throne...but when Hades wanted to marry your mother, Lucia hated your mother and Hades...she wanted both of them dead and make his son the Ruler, So Lucia and her royal armies went for war between herself and Hades...but Hades knew what she was planning...Lucia looses the war and was banned from getting near the Main Castle...both Lucia and her son left and never came back...For all this years till now...we haven't heard a thing about her and her son...but..." then Jin cuts him off.

"'re saying that Hoseok is half demon and half angel?" Yoongi just nods and then Namjoon spoked.

"You don't mean...that person from yesterday is..." then Yoongi looks at Hoseok.

"That person last night was your older brother....Jungseo."

I was so shocked and angry at the same time. I hold the chair handle till it broke and stood up furiously.

"WHY?!....Why didn't you tell me all this before?! For how fucking long do you intend to keep all this from me Yoongi?!" I yelled.

Yoongi just looks down and spoke.

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