Chapter 2 - Decepticon Attack

Start from the beginning

When she was cleared to go, she picked up her stuff and ran up the escalator to the gates. She squrried through the halls, dodging and running past other passengers as she ran to her gate located at the otherside of the building.

Today was just not her day.

She made it to the end of the hallway and just made it in time. The staff let her aboard as she walked down the small tunnel and onto the plane. Vaughan decided to take this opportunity to check how many views her video had. She pulled out her laptop and opened it up. But just when she was about to open up internet explorer, the P.A. system came on.

"Passengers please turn off all electronics and prepare for take off."

"Seriously?!" Vaughan muttered angerly.

Vaughan put her laptop back in her bag and stowed it under the seat in front of her. She sighed as she laid back in her chair and looked out the small circular window, watching the plane as it backed out of its parking spot and slowly drove towards the runway. She listened to the safety video quitely. She didn't bother looking at the screen, she's seen it plenty of times before and has all the exits and such completely memorized.

What could she say, she's a flyer. Always has been since the day she was born. She felt her body tug as the plane increased it's speed and soared up into the air. Vaughan watched the plane soar through the air, looking up at the clouds. She loved flying. Even though most of the time she slept through most of the flights.

Speaking of which, with every bored second passing by, and the current plane she was on not having an TV screens to watch movies, Vaughan slowly fell asleep. Her head fell back into the pillow on her chair. Let's only hope she didn't snore during the flight.


After the long flight, the plane landed in Mission City, U.S.A.

"Great. Border check point. This will be 'fun'." Vaughan muttered. As the passengers left the plan, the flight attendance handed them bording papers to be filled in when they reach the check point.

She filled out the form and once the plane landed at its gate, the passengers were allowed to exit the large moving vehicle. Vaughan made her way through the halls of the airport and entered the border check point. "Just relax Vaughan." she thought to herself. "You've done this plenty of times before."

She walked over to a station, handing the security guard the paperwork she filled out. She tapped her foot against the floor, impatiently and nervously waiting for a response. "Working in the oil rigs?" he asked.

"Yes, with my uncle."

"Got a name?"

"Sparkplug. Sparkplug Witwickey."

The guard turned over to his computer and typed something onto the keyboard. All of a sudden her uncle's face and info came up on the screen, as the guard scrolled through it. He's doing a background check on Vaughan?! On her uncle?!

"You are good to go miss." said the guard as he gave her papers a stamp of approval and handed them back to Vaughan.

"Thank you." Vaughan walked across the hall with her belongs and entered a large room where various people waited to meet with the passengers.

"Vaughan! Over here!" called out a voice.

Vaughan caught sight of two people waving at her. One was a man who looked to be in his late thrities, early fourties. He had light brown hair with some white showing off at the sides, and brown eyes. The other was a teenaged boy who, surprisngly, is 14 years old. But he looks older and more mature for this age. They were both wearing faded white shirts, blue jeans, and yellow boots. Her uncle Sparkplug and cousin Spike.

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