The 21 year old had expected austin to get sad, but clearly the voice had only pissed him off.

"No...That voice sounded familiar..." austin continued talking to himself.

"austin..This is clearly your hint to move on..Clearly she has." Harley said trying to calm his younger brother down as he put a hand on austin's shoulder.

The 21 boy pushed his brother's hand off his shoulder. "I'm sure that was that asshole lauren's voice!" Austin concluded his voice full of fury.

The name lauren quickly made Harley think..He had heard that name before...He just couldn't remember where.

Austin suddenly stood up. "GOD DAMN IT!" He screamed as he punched the wall closest to his bed. Harley reacted quickly as he grabbed his brother to stop him from causing any damage to the house.

"Austin stop it!" Harley commanded as he threw his younger brother on his bed. His voice becoming extremely serious.

He was prepared to fight his brother if he had to in order to calm him down, but he quickly killed those thoughts as he heard austin sniffle as he buried his head into his blanket.

"God damn it! I'm such a idiot! I had the perfect girl and I pretty much gave her to some other guy..." austin cried into his blanket causing Harley to close his eyes as he put a hand on his younger brother's back.

He and austin were about as different as siblings could be, but that didn't mean that he didn't love his younger brother and it pained him to see him like this.

"Please just leave me alone Harley...I want to be alone." Austin said bluntly.

Harley sighed as he stood up. Usually he would love to tease his brother, but even he knew the right time to do things and now wasn't the time.

"Austin...Keep your head up." Was all that Harley could offer as he walked out of the room unable to think of any other words to comfort the boy.

Austin didn't answer as he continued laying down clearly depressed.


"Lauren I can't believe you did that!" Camila shouted as she snatched her phone away from the green eyed girl.

Lauren laughed while dinah gave her a high five. The group were currently in dinah's car on their way home. They had spent the whole week at the cabin and had grown close as friends. They had done plenty of things and lauren and dinah felt like they had not slacked on their training at all. Most of all it seemed to take austin out of camila's mind although the male hadn't stopped calling the whole week.

"I would expect that from cheechee, but not you!" Camila pouted as she watched the two girls laugh in the front seat camila started calling dinah Chee Chee the past week.

Lauren finally stopped laughing as she replied. "I'm sorry! I was just getting tired of him calling so much...I understand he loss something amazing, but he has to catch the hint sooner or later that you don't want to speak to him."

Camila immediately blushed as she heard lauren's comment as she mumbled something that nobody in the car could hear.

Normani laughed at her friend's actions as she turned her head to the front of the road. "I agree with lauren! I don't know what austin wants to say, but honestly...I would have never pictured him as the desperate type." She bluntly stated.

"If your going to cheat, you have to be prepared for the outcome." Dinah added in causing normani to roll her eyes.

"You would be the one to say that." She told the girl causing the car to be filled with laughter.

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