A/N: NaNoWriMo and Publishing

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Hello! I'm making an announcement here, and this is pretty big. Wolf's Tail is soon going to be entered into the NaNoWriMo contest! My name on the site is Noah Suki. If all goes well, they'll help me publish the book (with free editors and 50% Amazon royalties!) afterwards as well! Until then, however, Wattpad is on a standstill. I need to add 8,039 more words to the book to be eligible, so I have a lot of writing to do for a finished book! I hope you'll all support me. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!

Update: It turned out that I was "too young" for Amazon's publishing system, but I am still hopeful to publish some day. Currently my focus is on The Devil's Son, which is book one in a seven-part series I've got planned out. Most of it still needs written out, but I've got the plot almost complete in my head! It's posted here on Wattpad, though it's incomplete, so feel free to check it out. :)

Wolf's Tail (Boy X Boy; Werewolf; COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now