Chapter 25 - Babies

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Four and a Half Months Later

Eight months. I was almost eight months along with triplets. Sitting on the bed that was in Caleb's and I's den home, I groaned. I'd been about to put my shoes on so we could go out, but like I'd been having issues with for nearly a month, I couldn't see or reach my feet. I groaned, rubbing my stomach as one of the babies kicked. "I know, it's dinner time. You three are in the way, again. I can't go out for dinner if I can't see past my belly to get my shoes on!" I heard Caleb laugh, and I huffed as I looked up at him. "Look at what you've done to me. Look at this and tell me you're sorry."

"You're so cute." He chuckled, kneeling down in front of me. I felt him slip my shoes on, tying them, and I sighed some. "There, now up you go." He took my hands, helping me to my feet. He pecked my lips as I stood up, my stomach growling. "Let's go get some food in you, shall we?"

"Mm, that sounds amazing." I smiled some, and he smiled back as he took my hand. We walked out of the small room that was our bedroom. We were in the main room. There was a soft brown rug laid down now, with lights in the ceiling. There were two other rooms it led to. One was our bathroom, with a toilet, shower, bath, and sink. The other was the room that we were going to use for the triplets when they were born. Caleb had plans for there to be three more rooms made. Two more bedrooms so the kids could have their own rooms when they got older, and a kitchen of our own.

"There's that smile," He smiled, pecking my lips again. "It looks good, doesn't it? Things are looking amazing already." I nodded, smiling as I held his hand happily. We left, closing the door to our home. Others nodded to us as we passed, going down the tunnel that led to his house. It was the closest one to our home, so it was my favorite path. I groaned some as we got halfway up, stopping.

"Hold on, I need a moment..." He smiled softly as I leaned against the wall.

"Do your feet hurt again?" I shook my head, taking a deep breath.

"Gotta catch my breath. These three are heavy." I whined some, and he laughed as he placed a hand on my stomach.

"Not too much longer, then we'll have them in our arms, and you can stop feeling like you're carrying a ten ton weight." I smiled, nuzzling him. Caleb always seemed to understand that I didn't exaggerate how tough it was getting for me to carry three babies. He understood that it wasn't easy.

"I'm good now." He nodded, taking my hand as we headed up into his house. Lucas was in the living room, asleep on the couch. Caleb rolled his eyes, grabbing a blanket and draping it over his brother. "He sleeps a lot, I've noticed."

"It's his meds. It's just another reason why I'm alpha and he's not." I nodded. I'd been finding out reason after reason as to why, or more how, that happened. His brother was close to being completely insane. Some of the medications he took were supposed to act as sedatives to keep him relaxed. "I'll bring the car up front, okay? You just relax for a minute babe." I nodded, smiling as I sat down on the chair just outside the house. He pulled the car he'd gotten up, and I smiled as I got back up, climbing down the stairs and getting in.

"You know Caleb... They could come any minute now. Dr. White said in the last ultrasound that he's surprised I haven't gone into labor yet since they're so big." He smiled, kissing my hand as I shut my door.

"I know. But you wanted to go to that sleepover at John's, right? You know there will be others there, right?" I nodded, smiling as I leaned over onto him.

Wolf's Tail (Boy X Boy; Werewolf; COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang