Chapter 26 - Sleepover

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"The sleepover is in an hour. We should get going babe." I smiled at Caleb, nodding. He kissed my head as he helped me sit up. "Need help with your shoes again?" I blushed.

"Please..." He chuckled and nodded, kneeling down in front of me. I felt him slip my shoes on my feet, and I smiled as he tied them. "Thank you Caleb." He smiled as he stood up, taking my hands happily. I stood up, using his strong arms as support.

"Don't mention it Alex. I love you, I want to make you happy no matter what. John's probably waiting to see us, we should head out." I chuckled and smiled, pecking his lips.

"Alright." I smiled as he grabbed his car keys, and I shook my head, stopping him. "Leave them... I want to walk there. I could use the fresh air anyways. We've been in  the den a lot lately."

"Are you sure? I know it's hard for you to walk for long with these three in you." He kissed my stomach, and I blushed and smiled, knowing he was kissing our babies.

"I'm sure. I'll be a bit slow, but I want to walk." He smiled at me, rubbing my stomach.

"Aright, then we'll walk. Come on, we should get going." I nodded and smiled as he took my hand, leading me away. He led me to a tunnel that would lead somewhere near John's, and I smiled as I followed him. We soon came up right outside a house I didn't recognize, but I could tell we were closer to John's house. I smiled, and he held my hand as we walked slowly. We kept an easy pace, so I could keep up without getting tired. I chuckled seeing John waiting outside, grilling something.

"That smells amazing." He smiled over at us, chuckling seeing my big stomach. I felt a stab of pain, but I figured it was nothing. I hadn't walked that far in a while, so I was probably just tired. John smiled and made a plate, and I groaned some as I grabbed it. "Oh, steak, yay I love you." He chuckled as I sat down, eating.

"Figured you'd be hungry. I hope it's cooked alright?" I took a bite, and I felt like I melted at the taste.

"Yeah, this is amazing. Thanks John." He chuckled, smiling as he worked on cooking another one.

"Don't mention it. You're my best friend and my guest." I smiled and chuckled happily as he put another steak on a plate, handing it to Caleb. He smiled and thanked John as he took it, sitting down next to me. John stayed at the grill, cooking another steak for himself. I smiled as I ate happily. It was definitely delicious. "So I figured you wouldn't be doing a whole ton of moving with the pups, so I've got some video games and stuff for us to mess around with. Plus, I convinced my mom to let you two in the same room, so you'll be in the spare room. Just don't go getting too loud." He laughed, knowing we were mates and therefore horny around each other.

"Thanks, John. That's kind of a miracle knowing your mom." We all laughed, and I felt another stab of pain. I ignored it, not wanting to worry Caleb. It wasn't anything compared to the pain I felt while I was recovering.

After about three hours and lots of video games, I'd lost track of how many times I'd felt the stabbing pain. It was coming quicker and harder, and after another pain where I found myself gripping the carpet, I went to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet, I laid my head back on the cool porcelain wall tiles. Resting a hand on my stomach, I felt over the babies. One of them kicked at my hand gently, and I smiled. I knew there was nothing wrong. I wasn't sure what was going on, but they were okay. Getting up, I figured I'd head back out. Instead, I felt another pain, and I let out a slight scream. Of course, hearing me, Caleb came running.

"Alex? Baby what's wrong?" I sat back down, whimpering a bit.

"I-I don't know..." The door opened, and he came over, wrapping me in a tight hug. "I... I've been getting these pains since we got here..."

Wolf's Tail (Boy X Boy; Werewolf; COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now