Chapter 10 - Caleb's Thoughts

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Caleb's POV

I growled as I bit Amirah, tossing her into the wall. She yelped, her eyes going wide seeing me; growling and angry. I knew she must have been shocked by the wild look in my eyes. "Caleb," I looked over at Kim and John as I turned human. They were both kneeling, looking at Alex. I watched as Kim pulled her hand from the back of Alex's head, blood dripping from it. I turned human and ran over, pulling his limp body to myself; cradling him.

"No, no no no. SOMEONE GET DR. WHITE RIGHT NOW! Alex..." I checked the back of his head, whimpering seeing the blood. Dr. White came over fast, not saying a word as he started treating Alex's wounds.

"Will he be okay?" Dr. White sighed, picking Alex up carefully.

"I'm not sure. I need to do a couple quick tests; check for a concussion, be sure on how hard he was hit and if it will affect anything. Until I get results, I'm not sure. As of right now, I don't know if he could wake up; that is if he lives." I felt tears start running down my face.

"Are you sure?" He nodded as he led us to his mini hospital. He laid Alex on the bed, working fast. He took a blood sample, as well as setting up some machines. He put him on a ventilator, checking the blood for his blood type before hooking Alex to a blood bag. Seeing that worried me. "Alex..."

"Mm..." I looked at his face, tears still gently falling down my face. I could tell the sound came from him, but he didn't open his eyes. He didn't move. I felt my life shattering.

"Sit," Someone pushed a chair to me, and I flopped into it. I looked up at who it was only to see Kim. She gave me a stern look. "Now you listen here. Alex is going to be just fine. I've known him all his life, and so help me god if he would leave you now. He's loved you since kindergarten, and now he's finally somehow gotten you wrapped up in him. There's no way he would leave now that he's gotten everything he's ever wanted and more." I sighed, shaking my head a bit.

"Not everything. A family; he wants to be a parent someday. I remember he mentioned it when we first talked to each other, we were partners for a project. He saw two men, two married, happy gay men, and their little girl. He said he wished that was him. He wants a family." I sighed, standing up. "I need to tell his sister. As alpha of the pack it's my duty." John rubbed my back, and I looked at him.

"I'll take you. You're going to have to explain everything. She doesn't believe much she can't see." I sighed and nodded, heading to the door. However, I froze hearing Dr. White gasp.

"What is it, what's wrong?" I felt fresh tears fill my eyes as I looked back at him. He shook his head a little.

"Nothing's wrong... I'm not sure, I need to do more testing. Go, I'll have the results in the morning for you." I sighed again, nodding as I turned and left. My heart ached. Others came up to me, questioning Amirah's punishment. I shook my head, shooing them away.

"Later, I'm not sure yet." John and I went up the tunnel, and I sighed looking at the couch. How did things go so badly so fast?

"Hey, come on," He spoke softly, squeezing my shoulder gently. "Just focus on the task at hand. Alex will be okay, I'm sure. Not the first time he's been on his death bed. That boy is indestructible, I swear it." I smiled a little at him in thanks, letting him pull me alone. We left my house, and he led me to Alex's house. I had never been inside his house before. I couldn't help wondering what his room looked like. It probably had pictures everywhere.

"I love him so much." I sighed as I looked down. "I'm so stupid, why didn't I come down with you guys? I knew she was gonna be mad." He shook his head at me, pulling me in a hug again.

"You were upset, Alex wanted to let you relax. It's alright." I sighed and shook my head a little, and he rubbed my arm as we walked to Alex's house. I could see a window open on the top floor, revealing what had to be his room. There were pictures everywhere, and I could see his camera and laptop on a desk. I sighed, knocking on the door. It wasn't long before his sister opened the door, and she gave us both a confused look seeing us but not Alex.

"Alex isn't here right now. I can have him text you guys later. Aren't you Caleb?" I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, his boyfriend now. I'm not looking for him. Are your parents home? There's something you all need to hear, and I need to tell you as soon as I can."

"They're at work, what's going on?" I sighed and looked down, feeling fresh tears fill my eyes.

"He might die. My, my ex-girlfriend attacked him after he left my house. He's with a doctor right now- a good one who won't cost you guys anything- but he took a bad blow to the head." I choked on air as tears streamed down my face. "And he's not, he's not exactly normal. He's a werewolf, so am I. I'm the alpha of my pack, and he's my mate. He's in our den. He's in good hands, I promise you that, but even a werewolf can't take too much head trauma. We have no idea what's going to happen to him right now, just that he's not dead, at least not yet." John rubbed my back, and I saw Isabelle tearing up at the thought of losing her older brother. I couldn't help feeling like I was responsible.

"Take me to him, right now. I want to see my brother, and you're not telling me otherwise do you hear me?!" I nodded, trying to keep from sobbing. I'd lost my dignity as it was for sure. I was already a crying mess at the thought of my mate dying. I turned from the house, but John pushed me back.

"You stay here, talk to their parents when they come, calm down. I'll take her back to see Alex."

"But I-," He put his fingers to my lips.

"Don't you dare argue with me. Go sit. Even better, lay down; I know he wouldn't mind if you were in his bed." I sighed and nodded, not wanting to argue.

"Alright, please tell me if anything changes. Dr. White has my number, he can give it to you if you don't have it. I honestly don't even know it..." He nodded, and I headed up the stairs of the house. I soon found Alex's room, and I went and flopped onto the bed, pulling his pillow close to me as I let his scent engulf me. It comforted me a little, that was for sure, but the thought of the scent of his blood seemed to drown out anything else. If I closed my eyes, his limp body was in front of me.

I sighed as I laid there, my eyes open as I looked around the room. The walls were a light royal blue, and his desk was obviously homemade, but it was beautiful. It was obviously his room; it not only wreaked of his scent, but everything was just so... Him. The pictures, the color of the walls, the layout. It felt like his home. I smiled finally a little when I saw a small stuffed wolf under his blankets. I slipped it out from under the covers, taking in his scent.

He slept with a stuffed animal still. That was adorable. I held onto it tightly, cuddling to his scent as I relaxed a little.

"Caleb," I yelped and shot up, feeling the stuffed wolf drop from my grip. I sighed and relaxed seeing it was Katsu. He came over and rested his hand on my leg to help me relax. "Sorry for startling you. I came to check on you. I got worried when they said you weren't answering your phone." I glanced at the clock, sighing.

"Sorry, I fell asleep. How long was I out? Is he okay?!" I felt my eyes grow wide with worry as it hit my sleepy mind that they'd tried to contact me.

"Sh, calm down. So far he's okay. Dr. White thinks he'll wake up soon. He has a concussion, but nothing too bad, thank god." I nodded and sighed in relief.

"I have to be there when he wakes up. Please can we go back? Now?"

"Yeah, in just a minute. There's something else you need to know, though, Caleb." I looked at him, worried again.

"What is it? Did he find something wrong with him?"

"No, nothing wrong,"

"Then what?" He sighed, looking down before looking in my eyes.

"He's pregnant, Caleb. With your baby."

Wolf's Tail (Boy X Boy; Werewolf; COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now