Chapter 20 - First Day Back Part Two

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Sitting in my first class of the day, I noticed two things. One, everyone was staring at me. Two, Katsu wasn't in the room. As the bell rang, I felt my eyebrows furrow together in confusion. Where was he? It wasn't like him to skip a class, so I knew something had to have been wrong. Slipping my phone out, I typed the quickest message I could.

were r u?

I got no response, Which worried me even further. Katsu always answered when I messaged him. I hoped he was just sleeping, turning my attention to the teacher. She was giving me a wary look, and the entire class was still staring at me. Then, I felt someone slip something into my hand. I felt my face heat up as I looked down, blushing from embarrassment. What was going on? Why was everyone staring? I sighed, looking at my backpack, pretending to pull the paper out with my binder so I could read it.

How's the pregnancy?

I gasped softly reading it. No wonder everyone was looking at me. How did people know about the pregnancy? I knew I had a baby bump, but it didn't seem like much yet. I'd hoped it would be passed off for weight gain. I bit my lip, trying not to tear up. I sent a message to Caleb, feeling frantic.

Did you tell people about the pregnancy? Everyone knows!

I took my stuff out for class, and Katsu finally came in. I looked up at him, knowing I seemed frantic. He came and sat next to me, handing the teacher a pass. He reached over, giving my hand a gentle squeeze for reassurance. I ignored it, looking down. Our teacher got class started, and a tear slipped from my eye. He pulled my chair closer, rubbing my back as he whispered. "It'll be alright. So what if they know? It doesn't change anything, they know you're gay as a rainbow. You and Caleb should kiss in front of everyone in lunch. They'd be shocked for sure and I'd love to see you put them in their places." I smiled some as I looked up at him.

"You really think so...?"

"Fuck yeah. Hell, surprise him, it'll make it even better. Just go up to him, grab him, and kiss him hard." I nodded and smiled at him, mouthing "thanks." I then turned to the teacher, paying attention.

Once class ended, I'd had several awkward encounters. Katsu stayed by my side, helping me try to relax. I sighed some, catching some people's looks. Disgust, hatred... A few girls seemed jealous, which I assumed was because Caleb was my baby daddy. Katsu took my hand, gently squeezing it as he walked me to gym. "It'll be alright, they'll get over it I'm sure. You just focus on you, okay?" I nodded and smiled at him softly.

"Alright, thanks Katsu. You're a good friend, you know that?" He laughed and smirked.

"I know." I rolled my eyes and pushed him some. He laughed more, smiling at me. "You know you love me man."

"Nope," I chuckled and smiled. "I only love Caleb. You're not him by far." He rolled his eyes at me, but I smiled. We got to the gym, and he gently squeezed my shoulder.

"I gotta go. See you guys at lunch?"

"Yeah, lunch." I nodded and smiled at him before heading in. I went down a staircase, going into the locker room. Caleb was there, and I blushed realizing he was moving his things to a locker near mine. I went over, kissing his neck as I came up behind him. He groaned, turning and wrapping his arms around me.

"Hi, my sexy boy. How was first?" He leaned down, kissing my stomach. I blushed and smiled at the gesture.

"Interesting. Word's out about why I'm 'fat,' so we can drop the act." He nodded, taking a hold of my hands.

Wolf's Tail (Boy X Boy; Werewolf; COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora