Chapter 11 - Family

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Alex's POV

The first thing I noticed was my head. It was pounding. Then I noticed the churning feeling in my stomach. I groaned, opening my eyes to see where I was. My eyes met Caleb's, his shimmering with relief and happiness. I also noticed some worry, confusion... I couldn't focus on that, though. I was to busy sitting up, leaning over away from him. I lost my lunch right there on the floor; his hand on my back. "Dr. White! He's awake, he's awake!" Relief flooded into his words.

"And he totally just lost his lunch on your clean floor." I gagged a bit, putting a hand over my mouth in hopes to keep from vomiting out more bile onto the floor of the den's clinic. Caleb rubbed soothing circles into my back, kissing my temple. I felt more of the disgusting substance rising in my throat, and I barely moved my hand in time before it splattered in a disgustingly beautiful mess on the floor.

"It's alright baby, I'm here." Dr. White came into the room, and I sat up, leaning back. I yelped at the realization that there was nothing behind me, but Caleb held me tight. He moved, sitting behind me on the bed. "Here you go, better?" I sighed in a bit of relief, leaning on him.

"Why good afternoon, Alex." I gave Dr. White a glare. Waking up and splattering bile on the floor was not my kind of good afternoon at all. He grabbed a small trash can, pulling it over and handing it to me with a sympathetic smile before he started cleaning up the mess I'd made. I stayed in Caleb's arm, turning my head and hiding my face in his shoulder. He kissed my head, and I was surprised at how calming that felt.

"Sh baby, I'm here. I'm here. Dr. White, he's really shaky." I curled to him a bit more, getting as close as humanly possible.

"He did just throw up stomach acid, so I'm not surprised. Here, Alex. You need to eat something." I felt a plate be pushed to my hands, and I grabbed it, reluctantly turning my head back to see it. It wasn't much; crackers, cheese, and pepperoni. My stomach growled, and I started making mini sandwiches out of it; sighing contently when I took a bite.

"There you go baby, that feels better huh?" I nodded, staying curled up in his lap as I ate. He kept me held close to him, which I smiled at. "I was so worried about you," He mumbled into my hair, kissing the top of my head. I giggled at him, looking up into his eyes. My face fell realizing there were tears in his eyes. I gently reached up, wiping them.

"Caleb, I'm okay. Don't cry." He completely broke down hearing my voice. He sobbed, tears streaming from his eyes, flowing down his cheeks. He slammed our lips together in a kiss, and I blushed brightly as I kissed back. My arms wrapped around his neck, and I felt him ball up some of the fabric of my shirt in his hand. I let him do as he pleased, and he held the loving kiss for a while. When he eventually pulled away, we both panted for air, and he pulled me to him. I hugged him back, kissing his cheek.

"I love you so much, Alex. When Dr. White told me he wasn't sure if you would live, I, I..." I laid back down, pulling him with me. "I'm so sorry."

"For what? You didn't attack me. Caleb you saved my life, if you hadn't shown up she would have killed me. None of the other wolves realized what was going on, and John and Kim are normal people. I made them stay back, they couldn't have done a thing to her. You saved my life Caleb." He sighed a bit, nuzzling me.

"Yeah, I know, I know... But I knew she was psycho, I should have at least warned you to keep your distance from her." I shut him up with a kiss, and he melted against my lips. We already both had boners, I knew that for sure. I felt his arms snake around my waist, and that's when I lost control with him. I pushed him on his back, forgetting anyone was around us. I straddled him, grinding our hard ons together. We both moaned, and he pulled me closer by my hips.

"Gods Caleb, you drive me insane." I leaned down, and I starting biting and sucking his collar bone. He moaned, blushing as I left a trail of hickeys. He pulled on my pants, tugging a bit, getting them off. At some point while I pulled his pants down, my boxers were gone as well. I was about to push into him, but felt a surprised and loud moan erupt from myself as he flipped us, shoving himself into me. I swear I saw stars, and we both moaned as he started moving.

"Alex," He moaned my name out as he came inside me, and I came right after from how hot it sounded. I made a mess of our shirts, but he didn't care as he leaned down, kissing me again while still inside me. I kissed back, but broke it to look into his eyes. We both had blissful looks on our faces. He slowly pulled out of me, making us both moan. I knew that my ass was going to be sore. He laid next to me, pulling the blankets back over us. I cudded to him, and he kissed my head.

"You're giving me a massage when the pain from that settles in." We both chuckled, falling asleep together. He held me in a strong grip, making me feel safe. I couldn't have been happier.

I yawned as I woke up, smelling food cooking. I smiled, ignoring the dull thudding feeling in my skull as I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my own room, and I chuckled happily. I got out of bed, then huffed realizing I had to pee. I got up and went to the bathroom, seeing myself in the mirror. I was shocked to see a bandage around my head. I hadn't noticed it before.

"Alex?" Someone knocked on the door.

"Uh yeah, just a minute." I quickly did my business, soon opening the door, and I smiled seeing my dad there. He was always working late or gone for business trips, so I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen him. "Dad, you're home." He pulled me into a tight hug, and I chuckled happily as I hugged back.

"Hey sport, how are you feeling? You worried us."

"I'm okay dad. A little sore, but okay." I smiled happily as I looked up at him. My dad was really tall, and I always felt like a little kid next to him.

"Thank god for that. Now what is this that boy downstairs told me?" I perked up, knowing it had to be Caleb.

"Caleb's here? I thought he'd gone home." My dad tried to say something, but I ran past him and down the stairs, smiling as I tackled Caleb in a hug. He laughed a bit as I happily kissed his cheek.

"Morning. You seem happy." I nodded as I loosened my grip. He turned to face me, his arms going around my torso loosely as well. My dad came downstairs, giving us an amused smile. I then blushed realizing my parents and sister were all watching me.

"Uh hi," I chuckled sheepishly. My mom was the first person to come over, and she pulled me into an even tighter hug than my dad had. I laughed a bit. "Mom, air. I'm okay."

"Don't you dare ever scare me like that again child!" I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Sorry mom. Trust me, I didn't mean to get the shit beat out of me." She rolled her eyes at my failed attempt at humor.

"Well next time you better mean to stay away from it." She kissed the top of my head before letting me go, and I turned to Isabelle sheepishly. She came over, and like I expected, she punched me in the arm a few times.

"You fucking asshole idiot, don't scare me like that again! Do you know how shitty it was to see you laying in that damn bed!" I pulled her into a tight hug, nuzzling her soft hair.

"Love you too you little brat." I yawned again, and I felt Caleb's hand on my back. I smiled up at him, blushing. "Hi."

"Hey. Can we talk real quick?" I got a confused look, but nodded.

"Yeah, sure. Come on, we can talk in my room." I let my sister go, and he followed me back to my room. I closed the door, and we sat on my bed. "Is everything okay?" He sighed, officially worrying me.

"Yeah, just, it's something Dr. White told me... And it explains how you're my mate. Alex, you're... You're pregnant. With my baby." I looked at him, my mouth going wide. For once in my life, I didn't know what to say.

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