The Town That Dreaded Sundown // Part Three

Start from the beginning

Thunder cracked in the distance, signalling the approach of a storm. Veronica pulled her glasses off, fully ready to be lectured, and ignore every bit of it. Mom crossed around the bed to come closer to us.

"Let me tell you something about loyalty. There's nothing more honorable than it. Noble, even. But blind loyalty? That is a stupid and dangerous thing. I pray that's not the case with you and Archie. Or even you and Jughead, my little sneak."

I looked up from the laptop to see Mom's eyes on me before looking right back down. "Don't bring my boyfriend into this. He hasn't done anything wrong."

Mom pursed her lips. "So you say. But, we're not oblivious, Savanna. Nor are we blind, so, you might want to be a little more careful with keeping your secret from your father."

I rolled my eyes and slammed the laptop shut before handing it back to Ronnie. "Done, Mom. I don't want the drama, so I'll keep it a secret as long as I'd like. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a code to crack."

I pushed myself off the bed and walked out. Daddy was tucked away in his study, leaving me a clear escape out the door. My phone buzzed in my pocket, signalling a call. I pulled it out, glancing at the screen to see it was Jughead.

"Hey, babe," I greeted as I pushed the doors of the Pembrooke open.

"Savanna, did you know about this?" His voice sounded angry which made me nervous.

I set my course towards Betty's house, knowing she would still be knee deep in the books. "About what?"

"About this damn letter, that's what!" I froze, not knowing what to say back. "You did, didn't you. How could you hide this from me?"

I sighed, "Because, Jug, it's not my letter! It's Betty's and she didn't want to share it."

"Yeah, and that meant keeping it a secret from me was better."

I turned around to see Jughead following me, his phone pressed to his ear. I shook my head and ended the call seeing as there was no need for it now.

"What's with all the secrets, Sav?" Jughead asked as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

I shrugged. "I'm not taking the blame for something I didn't do, Jug. It's her letter, it's her decision. How'd you find out, anyway?"

He held the piece of tan paper up. "In the midst of her rushing out this morning, she left some books and it fell out."

I nodded and continued walking. It wasn't a surprise she would've dropped something this morning. Her mind was everywhere but the letter's location. Walking up to her house, I knew Jughead was going to confront her on it and I had no choice but to let him.

"So, when you left this morning, you forgot some of your books. Your notebooks." Jughead didn't waste time on getting straight to the point. Betty looked at me, a confused expression. I gave her a guilty one in return. Her eyes widened as she turned back towards him.

Jughead watched our exchange before sighing. "Look, I wasn't snooping, believe it or not, just fell out."

Betty searched through the notebooks he tossed her. "What did?"

Jughead didn't say anything at first and just held up the piece of paper. I crossed my legs beneath me on the couch as lightning lit up the room. Leaning on my elbows, I did the talking for him. "Your letter, from the Black Hood."

"Jug." Betty jumped up and snatched the letter from his hands.

"I'm assuming that it came with the cipher. Betty, why haven't you told anybody?" Jughead watched as she walked away from him.

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