Chapter 42 - Empire

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"Is there something you want?" Odin asked the man, sitting in his chair, as he walked into his study.

"I just wanted to stop by, and say your welcome for putting a stop to Loki's plan of bringing about Raggnarok."

Odin sits in front of the man. "I know as well as you do, you wern't the one that stopped Loki. We both know it was your son."

"Yes, it was my son that stopped him, but remember who unlocked that power of his."

"You only unlocked his power, because you want to use it to free your own power, and bring about the end of this world yourself."

"You see Odin, old pal of mine, your only half right, because I'm not stopping at this world. I will destroy the entire universe, and rebuild it the way it should have been built in the first place."

"You really are full of yourself aren't you, Apollyon?" Odin takes a drink, from the cup he was holding, and looks back at Apollyon. "What makes you think you can destroy the universe?"

"Because I'm one of the most powerful beings to have every existed."

"I know that, but you forget Apollyon. You have a son. And if you haven't forgotten he's a Nephilim, and I'm sure you remember a Nephilim is stronger then the angel that spawned it."

"That I am very aware of, Odin. But my son is of no concern to me, because he has yet to realise his true power."

"And what's to stop him from learn his true power?"

"I'll kill him before he even comes close."

"Killing him won't be as easy as you think it is, he has plenty of powerful allies."

"And these allies are? Because last time I checked, thanks to that little showing by (y/n) against Loki, very few in the Underworld, Heaven, or even Asgard want anything to do with him. They all consider him a threat, because he can't control my fathers power." Apollyon stands up. "I'll be seeing you around Odin."

"Apollyon I'll make sure your son is ready to finish what his grandfather started." Odin stands, and watch as Apollyon exits the room. Odin sits in his chair. I will do what I can, but unless (y/n) masters his grandfather's power there is now way to stop Apollyon. Odin lets out a sigh, and shuffles around a couple peices of papers on his desk. Then he notices a paper with the Astaroth and Agares family seals on it. What's this? Odin opens the paper. Wait (y/n)'s getting married! When did this happen?

"How did you get into Asgard without me noticing?"

Apollyon lands on the ground. "Come now Heimdall, have our battles in the past taught you nothing?"

"Answer the question, Apollyon." Heimdall ordered.

"I was invited by someone."

"Who invited the most treacherous being in existence here?"

A spear of purple light pierced Heimdall's chest, and blood poured from his mouth. "That would be me. the one you've held imprisoned, in this shit hole, for centuries." A man, with bat wing black as the night sky, lands behind Heimdall, and kicks him to the ground. "It feels good to be free again. Now Apollyon when do I get to meet my nephew?"

"Easy now. We still have a couple places we need to pay visits to first." Apollyon smirks. "After all just about everyone still thinks your dead, Lucifer."

Highschool dxd X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora