Chapter 36 - From the Heart

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First things first, I want to apologize for not uploading soon. School just started so I've been busy with that. Second off I want to thank you guys for all the love this story has gotten. Now enough with my babaling on with the story.


(Y/n) what happened to you? Koneko watches as you laugh uncontrollably.

"He wasn't ready." Cecila drips some phoenix tears in herself. "For this much power to be released."

"What?" Rias asked.

"The golden light wielded by (y/n) is also know of the light of Absolution." Cecila says.

"Light of Absolution?" Koneko puzzled.

"Wasn't that..." Rias was cut off.

"Yes. It was the power of God himself." Cecila held her head from the pain see felt from saying God. "Apolloyon released every ounce of (y/n)'s power."

"That much power in a mortal being." Rias watched as you began to slowly walk toward Loki. "It just shouldn't be possible."

"Your right." Cecila leans back on a rock.

"What are you doing we have to help him." Koneko stands up, but Rias grabs her hand and shakes her head. "Rias."

"Koneko it's to dangerous." Rias says.

"Besides there's nothing to do now other than sit back and watch as my son bring an end to this world." Ceclia says in a monotone voice, as a tear falls from her eye.

"What in the he'll are you!" Loki screams as he fire's a beam of light at you, but it misses.

"Me.... I'm the one that will end you and all other so called immortal beings." You laugh meniacly. "Now be a good, pathetic god, and beg for forgiveness, and I might not ripe your spine out."

"Me beg?" Loki laughs. "You really must be insane if you think I'm begging for any..." You grab Loki by his throat cutting him off.

"Hahaha I warn you. Now beg you miserable excuss of a g-" Loki fires a beam of light at your head, but it just barley hits the tip of you ear and your wing. However your ear and your wing quickly heal. "You really shouldn't have done that." You fly into the air, and you toss Loki even higher. As Loki falls in front of you, you grab his face and drive him into the ground, creating a giant crator. Fenrir runs at you, and you hold out your left hand and your bow reappears. You turn toward Fenrir, and fire two golden arrows into the wolves head, stopping him dead in his tracks, and you draw back your bow again, but this time you aim upwards and fire your arrow hiring the Midgard serpent in his underbelly. "Really is this all Loki, and his Children and do?"

"Try... This... Asshole." Loki stands up and fires a beam of light, and it hits you dead on. But as the light dissappeared you stood there, completely unscratched.

"That was cute." Your bow turns into a small glowing orb, about the size of a marble, and floats behind you. The orb absorbing your wings. After absorbing your wings the small, marble sized, orb has grown to the size of a tennis ball. "Now open!" The orb grew in size, and become a small portal like gate. "Loki do you know what fear is?" You stick your hand in the portal. "Because you are looking at the physical embodyment of fear." You start to walk to Loki, and as you do your hand starts to come out of the portal, and with a sword.

"Is that?" Rias asked.

"Yes that's one of the peices of Excalibur." Cecila looked at the Rapier, with some kind spiral wrapped around the blade, you pulled out of the portal. "Holy Sword Excalibur Nightmare. It has the power to create illusions. But I (y/n)'s hand there is no telling how powerful that sword can get."

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