Chapter 35 - Chrome Heart

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"(Y/n)!" Koneko screamed as she ran towards you.

"How pathetic." Loki laughed. "I guess what Odin said was true."

"What would that be?" Rias shouted as she and Koneko kneeled down next to you.

"That this so called 'Lion King' is now more then a sad prince." Loki laughs again. "Hell even calling him that is stretch. But then again I guess he's not like the other Lion's before him."

"What do you mean by that?" Koneko yells.

"That makes two times in the span of less then five minutes he tried to sacrifice himself for his friends." Loki sighs. "It's kind of sad to be honest." Loki flies higher into the sky, and opens a magic circle in his right hand. "If only he had be as selfish as his predecessors, he might have lived to see tomorrow." Loki fires a beam of light towards you, Koneko, and Rias.

"What in the hell?" Loki stares in disbelief as the beam starts to disappear. What in the hell is weakening my attack? It can't be that brat he's almost dead.

Loki's look of disbelief changed into a shocked, and almost scared expression as he saw what happened to his attack. "Shocked to see me?"

Loki glared at the woman that stoped his attack. "Why are you here?"

"Ajuka said these kids could use some back up." The woman smirked.

"Who are you?" Koneko asked as she and Rias stared up at the blonde woman that just saved them.

"I'll introduce myself later, but for now just call me a friend." The woman smiled. "I'll take care of Loki. You two just try to keep (y/n) alive." The woman turns back around, and glares at Loki.

"If looks could kill." Loki laughed. "I was hoping to save you for later on, but I might as well finish you off with these brats." Loki fires another beam, but the woman absorbs it. Loki grows a cocky smirk. "I would have been a little disappointed if that had finished you off, Cecilia. It's just to bad your son will never get to see his mother in a fight, because I'm going to kill you both now!" Loki creates another magic circle in his left hand. "Say good bye Cecilia!"

"Shut your mouth!" Cecilia snaps her fingers, and her gauntlet appears. And before Loki can fire of his attack Cecilia throws a golden orb at him, but before it can hit him a bolt of lightning hits the orb, creating a flash of light, stopping it.

As the light died down Cecilia, Rias, and Koneko could see two black wings stick out from behind the orb, but before any of them could say anything the orb turned blue, and became a black lance.

"Who in the hell is that?" Koneko asked.

"What shocked to see me?" The man asked as he looked down at Cecilia. "It's been what at the least sixteen years?" The man, who is clearly a fallen angel, holds the lance he created to loki's throat. "Come on now Cecilia, lighten up. I'm not here to hurt you or anyone else."

Cecilia growled a little before speaking. "Then why are you here? And better yet how are you here?"

"As for why I'm here that's simple." He winks at Cecilia, before landing on the ground. "I'm here to save my son."

Cecilia steps in front of you. "Your not going anywhere near (y/n)!" Cecilia aims her gauntlet at the fallen angel, and a gold orb begins to form.

"I didn't ask." The man continues to walk forward.

Cecilia fires the orb at the fallen angel, but he catches it and it turns blue. The orb then becomes
a sword. Before Cecilia could react the fallen angel rams the sword into Cecilia's stomach. Cecilia falls to her knees. The fallen angel kneels down, and uses lifts Cecilia's chin so she is looking at him. "Your still just as weak as you were back then, but look on the bright side. Your offspring will be the one single handedly respond for the end of the world." The fallen angel stands back up, and laughs as he walks toward you.

"Ap... Apollyon! Stay the hell away from (Y/n)!" Cecilia tries to stand, but falls back down.

Koneko and Rias both stand in front of you, but Apollyon creates two blue swords, and throws them at the girls, piercing their shoulders, pinning them to a rock behind.

"Stay away from (y/n)!" Rossweisse tried to hit Apollyon with her sword, but he caught the blade, and punched her in her stomach knocking her out.

"Hey asshole!" Issei shouts as he charges at Apollyon, with Mjölnir, but Apollyon dodges and kicks Issei into the ground, and stomps on his chest, rendering him unconscious.

"Now it's time to bring this show to a close." Apollyon holds his right hand above your chest, and pulls Arcana out of you. "It's time to bring an end to this world." Apollyon stabs the sword into your chest, and your eye's shoot open. Apollyon smirks as he starts vanish. "Soon I'll be able to bring an end to this pathetic world."

Your wounds start to heal as you stand up.

"What in the hell?" Loki stares at you as Arcana slows starts to slide deeper into your chest.

You let out a blood curdling scream, and your eyes turn golden as your fall to the ground. The words "let go. Become new. Eliminate all." Repeat in your head as you continue to scream. "Make it stop!" You scream out as you fall flat onto the ground.

"(Y/n)!" Koneko slowly pulls the sword out of her shoulder as she screams in pain. Koneko throws the sword on the ground, and runs over to you. "(Y/n)!"

You stop screaming, and you push Koneko away as you stand up.

"(Y/n)..." Koneko stares at you as you grab ahold of Arcana.

"Ko...Neko get... away... from him..." Cecilia said as she watched you.

"End it all." You mumble. You pull Arcana out of your chest, and your arms go limp and fall down to you sides. "Perish. all that would stand in my way." A golden light starts to shine on your back.

"Apollyon... why? Why did you have to do this to my son?" Tears flowed down Cecilia's face.

"All shall perish!" The light on your back forms into two golden angel wings, and Arcana changes from a sword into a white and gold bow. "BY MY LIGHT!"

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