Chapter 21 - Pride

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"So why exactly are we watching the leaders summit form the air vents?" Issei asked

"Because Rias said to. Now shut up" you yell quietly

"That was a lie"

'Shut up Reg'

"Why the fuck you lying? Why always lying?"

'How do you know that? Do I have a internet connection up there or something?"

'No Issei is watching some video on his phone, and It has subtitles'

You turn your head towards Issei, and He is pointing his phone at you

"Turn it off before I shove your phone somewhere no amount of search will every find" you whisper, and issei turns off his phone

"So what's the real reason we're here?" Issei asks, and you point to the room bellow you

"The hot one with the twins tails?" Issei ask

"No, the fallen angel General" you say

"Hey you two why don't you come on down I k ow your up there" The Fallen Angel General says

"Crap he noticed us" Issei says as he begins to get scared

"Would you grow a pair already" you say as you and Issei fall out of the air vent, and you do a front flip and land on your feet, on top of a table, and Issei just falls flat of his face next to you

"A perfect ten for you" the girl with the black twin tails says as she points at you "and a two for you, only because your not dead"

"What are you giving them scores for Serafall?" Sona asks

"I was rating there entrances" Serafall says "and the Golden Lion King's was just spectacular"

"So your the devil I've been hearing about" a guy with blonde hair, wearing a white and gold robe says "a devil that can use the golden light of heaven. Allow me to introduce myself, im the Archangel Michael"

"Im (y/n) (l/n)" you say

"It's nice to finally meet you (y/n)" Michael says as he shakes your hand

"Serafall!" You hear a cleary irritated Sona yell right before you feel someone jump on your back

"Hi Im Serafall Leviathen, and Sona here is my little sis" Serafall says introducing herself to you as she clung to your back

"It's nice to meet you" you say as Sona tries pull Serafall of you

'Ok well she happened' you say as Serafall is finally pulled off your back

"Why hello there (y/n)" The Fallen Angel General says as you walk up to him "Can I hel-"

"WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU SAVE THAT BITCH!" you ask as you grabbed him by the callor of his shirt

"Im sorry, but at that moment I could not allow you to kill her" The General say, and you let go of his shirt "She still proved useful to me"

"Whatever" you say as walk away from him. stop and continue to look in from of you "If you ever stop me from killing her again I won't hesitate running this through your chest" you close your hand, and when you open it Arcana appears

"So that's the Holy Sword Arcana" Serafall says as she kneels down next to you, and pokes you sword "I heard that this sword is only as strong as it wielder, and from what I can tell this sword is quite strong" Serafall looks up, and gives you a smile causing you to blush a little

You were going to say something back, but an explosion outside cut you off, and caught your attention along with everyone else's

"What was that?" You ask

"Choas Brigade" Regulus growled

'It take you know who they are?' You ask Regulus as you ran outside with everyone else that was at the summit meeting

"Their the one's that killed the last person that wielded me"

'Who was that?'

"Your mother!"

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