Chapter 5 - Fallen angel

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You and Issei are sitting In class after you guys finished your training

"So what did Rias want to talk to you about" Issei ask curiously

"Oh you know she just wanted to know a little bit about my past" you say back rubbing the back of your head "well im its not a total lie" you thought to yourself "well its not the total truth either" you heard the voice in your head say "there it is again were is it coming from?"

"Were is what coming from" Issei asked

"Don't worry about I must be hearing thangs"

"Yea ok man"

The class room door opens and Akeno comes flying in and jumps into your lap

"(Y/n) Im sorry for yelling at you this morning, I hope your not mad at me"

"Its fine Akeno I'm not mad"

"Ok good"

"Now can you please get off me people are starting to stare, and im pretty sure some of them are starting to get mad" you said as you hear People whispering

"No fair why does she get to sit on his lap" one girl said "yea I want a turn" another girl said

"First all the girls in this class wanting him, now he's got mega tits form the other class all over him" one guys says "im so jealous" another guy says "im going to pummel him into the ground" another guy says

The Class door opens and someone walks in but you can't see because Akeno has your head buried in her boobs

"Akeno, do you mind telling me why you have my favorite servants head burried in you boobs" Rias asked walking over

"Hi Rias" you said as She pulled you head out of Akenos boobs

"Ahh come on Rias we were was just having A little fun" Akeno said as she got off your lap leaving the class room "bye (y/n) see you later"

"Ok well I just came to say, (y/n) I need you to meet me in the Club after school today"

"Ok" you say nodding in agreement as Rias walked ou of the classroom

Small time skip

You meet Rias outside of the club house

"So what did you need to talk about"

"I needed to ask you something important"

"Ok what is it"

"Well I want to start your training earlier in the morning, so we can do a little one on one training, before issei joined us"

"Ok well Rias I get that, but I don't really see how this is a question"

"I was getting to that!"

"Ok fine, continue"

"Well in order to start this new training regiment off effectively, I would like to move in with you, would that be ok?" Rias asked as she uncharacteristically looked away nervously awaiting your answer

"Well I mean having Rias around wouldn't be a bad thing she might even keep Akeno at bay" you thought to yourself "you know what, yes I would love for you to move in with me" you say as she looks back at you with a big smile on her face

"Good you aprove of me moving in, because even if you said no I was still moving in with you" She said

"There's the Rias Gremory I know" you thought to yourself as everyone else in the club showed up

"Ok, so President what's on the agenda for today" Kiba asked

"We are taking down a stray devil" Rias said as Akeno created a transportation circle and you all step in

Now your all standing probably half a mile from the church

"So I take it that church is were that devil is" you asked

"Yes, now for this mission were are going to ne splitting up into three teams" Rias said "Koneko, (y/n), I want you to take the left side of the church "Issei, Kiba, I want you to take the right side, and Aisa, Akeno, and I will take the center"

"Yes Ma'am" you all say as you take your positions

"Be careful (y/n), I don't have a good feeling about this"

"Who said that"

"Who said what" koneko asked

"You didn't hear any other voice" you asked


"I must be hearing things l"

"Ok, Just be careful when we go in there"

"Wait is koneko actually showing emotions"

"I just don't want to scrap you off the floor or wall if and carry you home if you get hurt"

"Of course she wouldn't show any emotions, she's Koneko, what did I expect"

You and Koneko get ready to move, when Rias gives the signal all three teams move in on the church

You all three teams meet in the church you hear a voice "My my my what do we have here? Oh It looks like red and her gang, and whats this it looks like you added a new edition to your team of failure" a man in a whit trench coat walks out of the shadows

"Freed" Issei Growled

"Huh Issei do you know this creep or something" you asked

"Yea, this guys a rogue excorcist that tried to kill me a few months ago" Issei said as he summoned his sacred gear

"A rogue excorcist!" You said as you held you right hand in front of your face Summoning your sacred gear

"Boost" both of the gears shooted

"That voice it sounds familiar" you thought "was that voice I've been hearing you?" You asked as you pulled your arm closer to your face

"Took you long enough to figure it out" the gauntlet said as it glowed "like I said earlier, I dont have a good feeling about this, I can sense another strong power coming from somewhere in this church" the gauntlet said as it continued to glow

"Freed, your not here alone your  working with or should I say for  someone else" you said

"Oh how right you are" he said "well arn' t you going to introduce yourself" he said as a women with hair and wings as black as the night stepped out of the shadows

"Oh damn she's hot" Issei said

"Oh thanks, but im a little to old for you isn't that right (y/n)" the fallen angel said

"Wait you know (y/n)" Rias asked as she looked over at you as you had a face of shock and pure horror "(y/n) who is this" Rias asked worried about you


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