Chapter 3 - I get a Familiar

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Beep* Beep* Beep*

"Man I really hate this damn alarm clock, why did Rias gave to get me a new one?" you asked yourself as you got out of bed

Flash back*

"Oh damn Im late, Akio will never let me hear the end of this" you said to yourself as you ran into class about 5 minutes late

"(Y/n)! I will not have one of my servants late to school you hear me" Rias yelled upon your entrance into the class room

"I know I'm sorry ma'am, its just that my alarm clock is kinda not exactly in one piece at the moment " you say laughing nervously

"Well in that case after school you and I are going to the mall to by you a new alarm clock" Rias said as she walked out of the Class room

End Flash back*

"Buying me a new alarm clock I get, but I still don't see why she set it for 5:30 IN THE MORNING" you yelled as you turned your head to she Akeno rise out of bed "Aw.... good morning (y/n)" she said as she yawned "what's for breakfast" she asked

"Pancakes sound good, there's not much else besides cereal" you asked "I should probably go to the store after the club activities" you said as you leave to go cook breakfast

Small time skip

"Breakfast smells good thank you" Akeno says as you hand her a plate and you both sit down

"I've been mean to ask you a question (y/n)"

"Ok shoot"

"well how had your first week as a devil been"

"Hmm I guess pretty good, I mean I finally have more than one friend" you said as you both let out a small laugh "well good, and do you know what I think the best part of you being a devil is" she asked "No what" you responded as your front door shot open

"(Y/n)! Come on we have to get training" Rias said with a hint of jealously as she noticed Akeno sitting at your dining eating the food you cooked

"Can I eat first" you said sticking your fork into a pancake bringing it up to your mouth

"Nope, now come we don't have all morning" Rias yelled as she pulled you by your ear causing you to drop your fork and syrup coated pancake, you watched as It fell in what seemed like slow motion to you as a single tear fell down your check as it hit the floor "My... Pancake..." you whimpered

"Bye (y/n), I will she you at School" Akeno said as she waved as Rias dragged you and Issei down the Street as you continued to whine about your pancake

"Ok you two, time to start training" Rias said as the three of you reached the park "ok Issei give me 100 push ups, and (y/n) go run 20 laps around the park, and after you both finish, I want you to switch, and (y/n) you do 100 push ups and Issei you run 20 laps"

"Yes Ma'am" you and Issei both say in a sad tone

2 hour time skip

"Ok (y/n) Issei, good job today now lets head to school" Rias said as you and Issei nod in agreement as you both bend over about to collapse

Small time skip

You are sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring signalling school to start as Akeno walks into your class room with her arms behind her back

"(Y/n), I brought you something" she said as you walks up to you revealing what she was hiding behind her back

"What no way" your eyes opened wide and sparkled as you grew a large smile as she handed you a Double Chocolate chip chocolate muffin from your favorite bakery "Thank you Thank you Thank you" you said as you got up giving her a hug

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