I Wish I was Young

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I'm staring at old photographs  

Where I was cradled in my father's arms 

I smile and wish I was still a child 

Without a care in the world and time was all I had.

Back when everything was funny, 

And it felt great being silly. 

Jumping up and down in bed, 

Thinking I was in the clouds that were fluffy.

When you could play all day long 

And laugh with the birds and then sing along. 

Dance in the rain and dive under the pillows 

And fear those pretend monsters.

I clasp the pictures in my hand, 

Wonder where that carefree child has gone 

In her place instead is a girl with a broken heart 

Her dreams shattered and her laughter gone.

And I could never try and pretend 

I was a Princess in my fairytale land 

I knew my Prince Charming would never come 

He has hurt me and was long away gone.

I can't pretend everything is funny 

That I don't have anything to worry 

I wish I was still a child 

And I was my Daddy's little baby.

When I could wrap a hand in his finger as we walked  

And my Mother would dress me up for school 

Believing that no one could ever break my heart 

And time was all I had.

When I would sleep and the lights were on 

Hugging Mr. Teddy Bear who's the greatest friend in the world 

Listen to Daddy's footsteps as he left the room 

While he sings my favorite song.

Now I'm alone in bed and all grown up 

Wondering where that carefree child has gone 

As I noticed the gray hairs in my parents' head 

And know I would never have the time.

Putting on my make-up, as I fixed my hair 

I see my reflection on the mirror 

Remember the time when swimming on the dirt was fun 

And I could wear my mother's apron.

As I clasp the pictures in my hand 

Wondering where that carefree child has gone 

I wish I was still young 

And all I ever had was time.


One of my friends sent me a message that went like this:

"When we were kids, we never had watches but we had all the time in the world. 

Now that we have watches, we never have the time in the world."

That made me realize that I still wish I was still a child and be ridiculous and silly. 

I don't know if you do that too, but that's how I feel sometimes...

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