It's spoopy day!

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So... I was going to do a super cool Halloween chappie, but I got super busy and I didn't get to have time to do that. However, I will give you something based upon a little crossover 56Minecraft did in her ask book. I advise you read it, but read her fam fic first. So... Here we go!
Green's POV
Well... That was something... I guess it was cool to meet another version of me that was a wolf. Where I can truely be one of my wild brotheren.
Yellow POV
Hi guys!
That was fun to meet everyone from that universe. Even though me and other Yellow has already talk! I was able to sneak a few marshmallows to him while he was here though! He he he!
Mac's POV
Man! I have never been more confused! How are we so different! I mean... Ross is... And Blue... And Orange is older... Just... Wait A little minute... If that Red was related to the Vacktors in that universe, is the Red that Nickie was looking for related to them too?
Pink's POV
Eeeeeep! I'm so happy that another version of me may or may not have a boyfriend! I mean... It isn't like my romance life will happen in the zombie apocalypse.
Blue's POV
I guess other me was nice... The fact we had two different siblings that we didn't have here is... Um... Special... Somehow they are sibings to Orange and are science experiments... I don't know how to feel about this...
Purple's POV
Oh dear god! I thought one of me was enough! Now I don't need another one! At least he was TRASH though. When did I stoop this low... (Puns are never below any body!)
Light's POV
Is something going on? I'm just here with my boyfriend Void... Something feels off...
Red's POV
"Ross!! Rooooossss!" I yelled.  Really other me really. Finally, Ross open the door.
"How did you get locked in here?" He sighed in annoyance.
"You know of the multiverse theory?" I asked
"Of course"
"Well, an alternate version of me trap me in here and let all of my food go free." I explained.
"Shame, now we have to go and get more food. Now I'm going to my lab to see if I can get any infomation on this phenomena. This could be a breakthough!" He ran off.
Aaannd done! I know it is short but I'm suppose to be in sleeping while I'm writing this so... Bye!

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