Oh, yeah packing is a thing

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Real quick author's note: Wow! I didn't expect this many people to like this!

Yellow's POV

OMG! I can't wait to leave!!! We are probably find all of our siblings and then everything can be better! You know what they say! Put a little get a-a l-lot... who I am kidding, blue's probably right... No no no no! I've gotta stay happy! Think happy thoughts! Think happy thoughts... man, this was so much easier before the apocalypse...

Pink's POV

Finally we're leaving. How long have we been in that house? It use to be not as bad when we was allowed to go outside. Then one day Green came running in and barricaded the door and said "We shouldn't ever go out there again." Of course when we asked why he wouldn't tell us... I can't help but wonder what he saw that scared him so much. Oh! We also had to put Blue down, because he started to cry. We should have expected that. Even before the apocalypse he was never happy. Maybe we should have brought him to therapy... WELL too late now!!

"OMG! Pink! Are you ready to go!!" Yellow interrupted my thoughts

"I am, but we have to wait for Green. I thought he said he was going." I responded 

"I am!! You guys just forgot to pack." Green said coming out the door with four bags and a few weapons. He, of course, gave us our respected bags.

"Green! Green! Why did you bring those weapons?" Yellow asked

"They're for you guys. There are still Walkers you know." Green answered

"Oh! That makes sense!!" Yellow nearly yelled

"Be quiet will you! We don't want to attract them!" I reminded

"oh... OK!!" Yellow responded 

"Anyways... Yellow you will get our family hunting rifle." Green started. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. We brought it with us when the apocalypse first started.

"Blue you get the fire axe." Green continued. We found that in the house.

"Pink you get the AK-47" Green gave me a AK-47. We found that in the house too. The fire axe wasn't that weird, never hurt to be safe I guess. Then we found two guns! One of them was this AK-47. Who use to live in this house?

"And I will get the pistol" Green finish. That was the other gun we found at the house...

"These weapons won't help anything!" We still die!!" Blue sobbed.

"Was it a good idea to give Blue a weapon?"I asked Green

"Why do you think I gave him an axe and not a gun." Green answered 

"That makes sense. I guess..." I said

"Come on! Lets go!!" Yellow giggled and ran off

"Hey wait up!!" I said and started to run after him. What an adventure this will be!!

Green's POV

I watched as Pink and Yellow ran off.

"Hey wait up guys!!' Blue cried as he started after them. I decided to try to catch up too. They don't even know the worst part of this world. They didn't see what I saw. They didn't see Red eating a person. They didn't see him brutally murder and eat that person. Who even was that person. What was there life like? Why did Red kill them? What happen to the Red we use to know...

Oh boy... well that was why Green didn't allow them out... When is he gonna tell his siblings? Never? Who knows. We just have to wait and see...

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