Tea Party!!

338 9 53

Note by ???: The wattpaders' dialog in this story was guessed by what they say in the comments. Thank you~

3rd person

There are about six beings sitting in a room that is completely white. 

The room itself is almost like a void expect that it is white. 

The people in the room are known as lepardgirl, superpigdreams, ponygirlpony, 2MuchOfAFangirl, Is_Actual_Trash, and Creeps. 

They are all sitting in a circle and drinking tea.

"Hey does anyone want some popcorn?" Superpigdreams ask.

"I have dat popcorn right here!" Ponygirlpony responded.

"We should save the popcorn for our movie~" Creeps winked.

"*gasp* Are we going to be watching some Bax!!!" Lepardgirl grinned.

"You betcha!" Creeps responded.

"Hello?" Yellow yelled.

"Yellow! How did you get here!" Creeps questioned.

"I thought he already had access here." Is_Actual_Trash question.

"He had access to the author's room and the comment section! Not the crossover room!" Creeps snapped.

"Wow! Aren't you triggered." Superpigdreams laughed.

"Um... to answer you question I found a giant crack looking thing and went though it." Yellow answered.

Everyone looked over to see a giant crack with rainbow colors flashing.

"Shoot! The forth wall is in even worse shape than I thought!!!" Creeps screamed.

"This is why you should have used puppets instead of clay figures." Superpigdreams said while drinking her tea. 

Just then "Just a Little Girl" by Trading Yesterday starts to play in the background.

"The one problem with puppets is that you have to control every little thing they do. There is no 'pop' to them." Creeps explained

"Yeah, but you don't have to worry about the forth wall. I mean, look at the state this story is in! All because you want real people in your story! It makes it even harder to further the plot anyways!" Superpigdreams argued

"That is why I have Plot Convenience! Besides, if they didn't have 75% control than we wouldn't have Bax." Creeps smirked

"Am I the only one who doesn't ship Bax..." 2MuchOfAFangirl asked.

"Yes, you are the only one." Superpigdreams answered.

"Oh..." 2MuchOfAFangirl sighed.

"Hey um... what do you mean 'only 75% control'?" Yellow asked.

"Oh, um, well... you see... the other 25% is me controlling it... but not too much!" Creeps explained.

"Oh... I see..." Yellow smiled "Well... I'm sure it is nothing much! Also who is Plot Convenience?"

"Oh! She is my little helper! She only really have 20% control of her own body." Creeps explained as Plot Convenience fell from the ceiling.

"Hi!!!!" Plot Convenience screamed.

"HELLO!!" Yellow screamed back.

Just then a pterodactyl appeared out of nowhere!

"Mwahahaha! I am the evil pterodactyl! I'm here to destroy all of you and steal your tea!!" The pterodactyl laugh evilly

"No! Not my Snapple tea!!" Ponygirlpony screamed.

Everyone, except for Superpigdreams, got to their feet and started to attack the pterodactyl.

Meanwhile Superpigdreams was drawing some Bax fanart.

Then the pterodactyl hit her in the head and made her spill tea all over her drawing!!

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" Superpigdreams screamed.

Then she flipped off the pterodactyl and summoned a ink sword.

She stuck the sword down the pterodactyl's throat and was screaming "THE POWER OF FANFICTION COMPELS YOU!!! THE POWER OF FANFICTION COMPELS YOU!!" over and over again.

Then the pterodactyl burst into dust.

Also, the music in the background change to nightcore "Welcome To The Family"

"Okay... lets NOT get on her bad side..." lepardgirl said.

"Um... can we all just enjoy some tea?" Yellow asked.

"Yeah!! Let have some tea!" Plot Convenience said.

So everyone all had some tea of their choice and eat popcorn together.


"This is some very good tea!" 2MuchOfAFangirl complemented.

"Thanks! I made this pitcher myself!" Creeps said.

"I prefer my Snapple peach." Ponygirlpony shared.

"How much of that stuff do you have?" Is_Actual_Trash asked.

"I don't know." Ponygirlpiny shrugged

Then the rest of the Vactors and Max found the crack.

"Hello? Is anyo- YELLOW!! What is going on?!" Green asked.

"Oh... shoot..." Creeps sighed.

"Hi guys! These are my friends! They are super cool!" Yellow explained.

Then the evil pterodactyl reappeared.

"MWAHAHA! I'm baaack!" It screeched.

"THE PTERODACTYL IS BACK!!" 2MuchOfAFangirl screamed.

"Quickly! We need to kill it!" Lepardgirl yelled.

Everyone got together to kill the EVIL pterodactyl. 

Except for Superpigdreams again, she was reading some fanfiction about shipping.

"Yellow, we are leaving." Green said.

"But I want to hang out with them more!!" Yellow whined.

"I really don't like them." Green said.

"Whyyy!" Yellow whined even more.

"They are a bad influence!" Green said.

"They are completely normal!" Yellow whined

Then the pterodactyl ripped Superpigdreams fanfiction.

"Not again!!" Creeps sighed.

"TRIGGERED!!!" Superpigdreams screamed and ripped the pterodactyl limb by limb.

"HOW DO YOU LIKE IT!! HUH! HUH!!!" Superpigdreams was screaming.

"Well... since that is taken care of... time for a memory wipe!!" Creeps grinned.

"What!"All of the Vacktors said in unison.

*Everything flashes white and the music changes to "Tag You're It"by Melanie Martinez*

"What just happen?" Yellow asked.

"I had to wipe all of their memories of finding this place." Creeps answered.

"Why?" Yellow asked.

"I had to... if I didn't your universe could have been destroyed."Creeps explained.

"Oh... why didn't you wipe my memories when I first found out about you?" Yellow asked.

"I can only have used that power once. I can't do it again. Please, don't tell them anything Yellow." Creeps explained

"O-okay..." Yellow responded.

"Now lets finish our tea!" Creeps cheered.

Another note by ???: This is why you don't give the author sugar.

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