Chapter 20. The Truth Is Out (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

He's tried to work hard to apologise, again being an amazing father, trying to my family and whole pack. I mean the rejection is obviously terrible but I hope you know what I mean by that." In all honesty, I wanted to say that the rejection was a dick move but seeing as she the Queen, I don't think it'll be appropriate to say that.

"Calvin is actually talking to his father right now. Those two have been talking since this morning, I'm sure you know about that already. I was there when they started to talk, first about the time where both of you were separated. I was wondering if I could hear your side and know what you've done during that time. During the pregnancy." She looked at me with hope in her eyes and I couldn't really say no. There's no harm on telling her.

"That must have been hard on you, being pregnant with no family but your friends in a foreign country. That family whose helped you and your friends should be rewarded. They did help with keeping the Prince safe." She said as she stroked Kai. She was a lot more quiet than I thought when I spoke to her about everything. "I think so too as well. They we're just...really nice people." We stayed silent again only for her to clear her throat a few moments after. "Gavin may I ask a question then?" I nodded my head and she grabbed one of my hands.

Oh god, this is going to be deep isn't it?

"I'm really thankful for you for letting my son back in to be with his son and being so nice to him after everything. We've talked about all this and both your current situation, all the making him work for you, which I don't have anything against trust me. It's good in my opinion. But, I just can't help and wonder." Oh god what is this.

"Do you still like my son?"

I froze in place and looked at her probably with a mixture of shock, confusion and panic in my face. What the hell do I say to that? Fuck my life. "Um.." I was about to say something but then we both heard feet jogging towards us. I turned around to see 2 men now walking towards the two of us and I watch as they bowed their heads to their Queen and Prince. "What is it?" The Queen asked while standing up. One of the beta's looked at me and I already know what's coming. "The King would like to see Mr. Gavin Wille." Here we go.


The talk with my father, well how I even start to describe it. He gave me a lesson, which I already did expect and just took cause I deserved it anyway. After talking to him for so long, he's finally asked what I was expecting him to ask.

"Calvin, I'm just going to ask you, and this is the final time I'm doing so. Why did you do it?" I stayed in my position sitting down in one of the chairs in front of his desk and  shook my head. "I don't know." In all honesty, I don't even know. "The whole thing about producing an heir and all that I guess. I honestly wasn't very informed about the whole ideal about reproduction with male couples and all that, even though I was told it is something we were taught in school."  It's a stupid reason, but that I guess was jut the reason then. "Why was that so important to you that instead of being with your mate or even having a small moment for a couple minutes or even seconds, you just rejected him right after you two woke up."

My dad asked. I looked up and he had this desperate look on his face that I couldn't help but look away right after. "Dad, ever since I was young when the whole responsibility of being a King the concept of me being one in the future finally started to kick in, when I fully and deeply understood and was being heavily reminded and taught about the things, having an heir was just one of the main things that was drilled into my head. Not knowing that we actually can reproduce with two males, how do you think I felt when I woke up and  realised that the person next to me was my mate and a male.

You got to understand that moment right there made me...panic. I know it was stupid but knowing or at least thinking that I won't be able to do what I needed to do to help the people and do my responsibility as King got stupid things in my head. And during that time I was already getting close with someone remember. As my birthday was coming up I just thought that she would be...the one." I let out a big sigh and fell back my chair.  I looked back up to see my father lean forward.

"Tell me Calvin, were you just nervous then thinking that if you weren't able to give an heir, you wouldn't get the position as King? To be hated by the people? Is it all about, or was it all about that?" He asked me. I bit my lip and tried to think but there's just to many things. "I-I just...I don't even know anymore." I said with a big sigh. "Son, how stressed were you about these things? It doesn't matter, when you're with your mate you're suppose to not have a care about everything but just being together. I didn't even realise you thought about it these things that deeply. And Calvin, you need to stop saying I don't know cause there's a reason for everything. Especially serious things like this.

You're an adult now, a freaking parent. You have a son. Sure you're only 18 but it still means you have to start thinking about...everything seriously and responsibly." I only nodded my head not feeling brave and confident enough to look him in the eye. "Tell me something son, you went to him because you learnt you have a son yes? That was the first motive?" I nodded my head, finally looking up at him. "What do you feel now? Is it all still because of Kaisen?"  I stopped to think for a minute but it didn't take long before I shook my head. "No. It's not just about Kaisen anymore."

It wouldn't make sense for me to say yes when I'm working hard now to get on Gavin's good side. "I want to be in good terms with Gavin." He nodded his head and leaned back still looking at me. "So you have feelings for him? Or do you just want to get back for the sake of being together cause you're sorry and want to be with your son? Maybe even something else?" I probably thought about it for a long time because I don't know what to say and just like what he said I have to stop saying that. "Calvin?" I looked up to meet my father's eyes.

"I want to be with Gavin because I am sorry and it is a horrible thing for me to do what I did and so I  can prove to him that I am sorry. I want to treat him perfectly to repay back all the hurt I've caused and to let him feel the love he needed and deserved in the first place. I want him, myself and Kaisen to be together to be family, not that I'm saying we're not right now. But I guess, I do want to do these things because...I do have feelings for him." I said softly with a sigh.

"I'm glad you know that. Now, why don't you tell your mate that on your own." I looked up with a confused face only to see my father smile at me. The door opened and I turned around when Gavin's scent hit me all of a sudden. The he stood with Daniel's dad. I can hear his heartbeat now beating quickly, just like how mine's is I'm guessing.

We've already talked about these things but I guess him hearing me say these words that I just said are having an affect on me that's just a million times crazier.


I cry, I wanted to write so much but I didn't know how to put it out there and I guess the next ideas will just have to be put on the next chapter.

So, what do you think about that? Is the progress okay for you guys? What do you think will happen next?

I hope you guys are having as much fun and joy as I do with this book. I hope you liked it and stay tune for more because I do have a lot more. Lol. Thank you so much again and I'll see you next time.

Thank you!


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