His fight

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A couple of days went by and Bakugou was just sitting in the basement, not allowed to go upstairs. This was really getting boring and he really didn't know what to do at this point. Upstairs were probably like 10 skilled villains that wouldn't let him even go out of the house for a little walk. Hopefully Todoroki is all right and his father didn't do anything to him. At this point Bakugou was worrying more about Todoroki than himself which was a big mistake. He heard a loud noise coming from upstairs, then footsteps, a lot of footsteps. He crawled in one of the corners. He heard shouting and thungs breaking. They found him. He found him. What was he supposed to do now? They said he was safe here and that he'll never find him out here in the woods. There weren't many things where he could hide in and nothing to fight with, except for his quirk, which probably wouldn't be the best idea to use down here, and his fists. He was scared, like really scared. If everything they told him was true then god knows what endeavour would do to him. There were many footsteps so Endeavour wasn't alone. He would definetly not be able to fight all of them. Maybe he could just run? No they where in the middle of nowhere and he has no clue in which direction safety is. The screaming and shouting from upstairs  slowly got less until there was nothing to here anymore except for footsteps. Footsteps coming closer to the door leading to the basement. Bakugou pressed his back aginst the wall and tried to be as quite as possible. He's in the darkest corner in this room so maybe they won't see him and in the right moment he could just run. If he would be able to get through them he maybe could explode the whole building, burying them inside. The door opens slowly and light enters the room as well as the smell of something burning. Endeavor. He was standing in the doorframe looking around and then slowly went down the staircase. For Bakugou it felt like ages until he took the next step. He was starting to breath uncontrolled again and pressed his body against the wall even more. There were like 5, 7... no 10 people standing in the doorframe behind Endeavor and there were probably even more. He couldn't just run. His plan wouldn't work. What was he supposed to do? Think of something Bakugou. Think. Think. Endeavor had taken the last step and was now looking around again.

"Bakugou? Are you here? You don't need to be scared anymore. You're safe now, you here me? The villains can't hurt you anymore. Todoroki and midoriya are upstairs too, they were really worried about you and they want to see you again. Whatever the villains told you is not true. They lied. Come on now we need to go."

He was walking around. Starting with the corner right on the opposite site where Katsuki was sitting. He would find him. But what he just said... what if it's true? What if the villains lied to him? What if everything was just a trick and they lied? But if Todoroki is upstairs wouldn't he come down? Why should he be waiting upsatirs? And why is only Endeavor here? He was coming closer and closer.

"Bakugou come on now. Your parents are waiting for you. They want to see their little boy again."

That's it. His mom is dead  and his father brought him here. He is lying. How pathetic that his great plan would fail just because of such a little mistake. But how is he gonna get out of here? If he would just run now they would be surprised. Having the surprise on his side could actually help him. He was coming closer if he wouldn't run now it would be too late. So he ran as fast as possible. Not looking back. He ran up the stairs. But there  was a wall out of humans, how would he get past them? He reached out his hand making himself ready to blow them up. But suddenly he felt a stinging pain on his right side of his neck. He slowly lowered his arm, not that he wanted to his body was moving on its own. Then he fell on his knees. Why was he suddenly feeling so weak? Black spots were slowly starting to appear in front of his eyes. His vision became blurry and he looked up one last time before collapsing. The last thing he saw were blurry people looking down at him.

Todoroki was slowly starting to worry. After the sports festival Bakugou was suddenly gone. Well he said something about leaving but he could have at least said goodbye or he could have contacted him. It's been a whole week without any signs of him and he was really worrying now. And today he decided to go to all might. He talked with him so all might would probably know something. After their classes he went straight to all mights office. He hadn't really paid attention to the classes the last few days so he just needed to know that bakugou had family business and was gonna come back soon or he was going to a special training or just something that would make him stop worrying. He knocked on all mights office and shortly after he heard a "come in". He entered and sat down in front of all might.

"Todoroki, how are you? And is there something I can help you with?"

All might looked terrible when he wasn't in his "hero body". Todoroki really was wondering how long he would still make it and what they'll do without him. But that was not the reason he was sitting here right now.

"Yeah well Bakugou has been gone for a while and I'm starting to worry a little. Obviously just in the way a classmate is worrying for his classmate. Anyways I just wanted to know if everything was okay with him."

Oh god. A classmates worries for his classmate? Could you make it anymore obvious Todoroki. Just tell the whole world that Bakugou is your boyfriend.

"Didn't he tell you? His aunt is sick and he is visiting her and taking care of her for a bit."

Why didn't he tell him that his aunt was sick? He could have helped him and supported him. But what about the messages he sent him? Why didn't he answer them?

"OK but the thing is I messaged him and he is not answering and when I call him he's also not answering. I just wanted to make sure he's alright."

"OK that is a little bit weird. If you want we can go visit him tomorrow."

"Actually I'd like to visit him as early as possible. Maybe you could give me his dad's address so I could talk to him alone."

"Todoroki did something happen between you two boys?"

Fuck. All might probably would be fine with it but if he would tell his father. Okay calm down.

"Uhm... yeah we're kinda getting a little closer and he started trusting me so I think it would be good if I would go alone. But please don't tell my dad he wouldnt be really happy about that."

"Well I can give you the address but I still prefer you not going alone. It's not one of the safest parts of the city so at least go at daytime. And tell me how he is doing? Say hello to him from me."

"Thank you so much all might."

He wrote the address on a small paper and handed it to Todoroki. Now Todoroki would see his Katsuki soon again. He would know that he was safe and could support him. He was probably really sad right now because of his aunt. Just imagining him being sad maybe even crying, he wanted to hug him so bad. A smile started to form on his lips. Just thinking about Katsuki made him so happy. God he was acting like a teenage girl.

So I've been really sick the last few days and actually wanted to use the free time to write, cause I didn't went to school, but I was so sick that I almost slept for 3 days and didn't eat and drink. Well I'm better now but my mum's sick 😯
But yeah here's the new chapter. This story is gonna end soon... god when I started writing this I thought I would be writing this for like ages but now that it's gonna be over soon...

Anyways have a nice day guys 💙


Their Story | Todobaku Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora