First kiss

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Recovery girl said that if Bakugou gets a lot of sleep and starts eating and drinking regulary, he would be back to his normal state in 2 weeks. But she also dismissed him from school for 3 days, which Bakugou didn't like but he couldn't change anything, even after arguing for about 10 minutes. And Todoroki? Well he was supposed to look out for Bakugou so Todoroki would go to school normally but wouldn't need to do any homeworks or attend any activities after school.

-First day-

Bakugou was laying in his bed. He already felt so much better. Recovery girl gave him some pills so he could sleep better and they actually worked. This was the first night without a nightmare since 2 months.
He got up and went into the bathroom.
It was 8 o'clock, still plenty of time till Todoroki would show up. First he went into the shower, then brushed his teeth with a towel loosely wrapped around his waist and lastly tried to fix his messy hair.
He went out of the bathroom and grabbed a boxer.
But what to wear? Just a black shirt with some  pants?
Todorki would be here the whole noon so he needed to get something he was comfortable in and could hide in if he was blushing again.
He grabbed a trouser and a completely black shirt. He critically looked at the outfit in the mirror. He couldn't wear this. His ugly pale and thin arms were completely visible and the loose pants didn't hide the rest of his thin body well and just looked weird on him. So he undressed and grabbed the next outfit. He was now wearing a long sleeved grey shirt and slightly tighter pants. He went back to the mirror. The pants were OK but the shirt was worse than the one before. You couldn't see how pale he was but he looked even skinnier. He went back to his closet and grabbed an oversized hoodie. Looking in the mirror again he was satisfied. Not happy but satisfied. He grabbed the shirts that were laying on his bed and put them back into his closet. He then proceeded to make his bed and clean his room a little bit. When he was finished he looked back at the clock. 9:30. He still had plenty of time left. What was he supposed to do now? Normally he would be at school probably cursing or arguing with somebody.
These 3 days were going to be so boring. Bakugou laid down on his bed and grabbed the book that was laying next to him, the book he just got from the library. He read some of the poems. Thinking carefully about them again.
He took his time with reading books. He read 3 or 4 poems and then set the book down again. He closed his eyes for a few minutes and relaxed.
He should probably get something to eat. So Bakugou opened his eyes again got up and went to the cafteria. Nobody was there now so it was really quiet. He grabbed a plate and a roll, salami, butter and some vegetables. He sat his plate down on a table at the window and went to get some hot water to make tea. He sat down and ate his breakfast looking out of the window every now and then. When he was  finished he made himself another tea and went back up to his room. Looking at the clock he groaned. Still 2 hours time.
What should he do? He laid down on his bed again and grabbed the book and his tea. After half an hour he feel asleep again.

Katsuki was woken up by a loud knock on his door. Shit. Todoroki was here. Had he fallen asleep? Shit Shit shit. He tried to fix his hair and his outfit. Another knock.

"Just a second!"

He looked in the mirror again and took a deep breath. He went to the door and opened it. Todoroki was standing there with his expressionless face and bagpack. His hair was a little messy, probably from running and -

"Hey, uhm can I come in?"

Bakugou was brought back to reality by that sentence.

"Uhm yeah... right. Come in."

Bakugou was a little bit flustered, he needed to calm down. He took some deep breaths and sat down on his bed.

"Have you eaten yet? Recovery girl said that you need to eat more and regulary."

He really listened to recovery girl and remembered. He cared for him, that's so adorable. Oh no he was blushing. Calm down Bakugou he was just being nice because he needed to.

"Yeah I already ate. So did you do anything important in school today?"

"No just the normal stuff. Your face is really red, are you alright?"

He touched Katsukis right cheek and Katsuki was getting even more red. Todorokis hand was cold and felt really nice on Katsukis hot skin. Katsuki closed his eyes for a second and exhaled. He wished for this moment to last forever but as expected Todoroki pulled his hand back soon.

"Yeah I'm alright. I already feel so much better, I don't think I need to stay out of school for three days."

"You are definetly staying out of school for as long as recovery girl says. And I think you still look sick. Do you want me to make you a tea?"

Bakugou was blushing again. Oh god, this was bad.

"Yeah let's go to the cafeteria."

Todoroki stood up and offered Bakugou his hand. Bakugou was confused. Why was he offering him a hand? Well Katsuki was glad that he had the opportunity to touch Todorokis cold hand again. Todoroki was also happy to touch Bakugous hand again. Whenever they touched his whole body tickled and he felt his heart starting to beat faster. He wanted to smile whenever that happened but Bakugou would never have any feelings for him, so it wouldn't matter. They stood up, still holding hands. Neither of them wanted to take their hand away, so they walked down to the cafeteria. Both of them were blushing and nobody said a thing. When they reached the drinks dispenser they let go of each others hand. Bakugou was just as red as his eyes and Todoroki couldn't control his emotions and was also blushing. Neither of them said a thing. Katsuki was making himself a tea and todoroki made himself a coffee. They both went up in silence. Not holding hands anymore instead both of them were holding a cup. Todoroki opened the door and held it open for Bakugou. He entered and sat down, Todoroki sat down right beside him. They stayed silent and drank their beverages. They both felt akward but neither of them knew what to say. It was 3:25 when todoroki finally said something.

"So we wanted to talk, you know back then in the changing room. What's wrong? Something seems to be bothering you"

Katsuki was suprised by that question. He thought Todoroki already forgot. What was he supposed to do? He really wanted to talk about everything. Todoroki knew that Bakugou was uncomfortable,he could tell by the way he was pulling the sleeves of his hoodie. But he needed to now, he couldn't bare to see him like that anymore.

"Hey I know this is hard, I had some really hard times too. And... it really helped me that I had someone to talk to. We could do it like a little game. Maybe that would be easier for you... so each of us has 20 questions to ask the other one. But every question counts! What do you think about that?"

Bakugou didn't know what to say. But he wanted to know some things about Todoroki too. So he nodded slightly.

"You start."

Katsuki spoke quietly and his voice sounded broken. Todoroki already regretted his suggestion when he saw Katsukis face. But he wanted to help him and maybe this would.

"Ok. So let's start with something easy. Did you already had your first kiss?"

Bakugou was blushing. This was his easy question?

"Easy question? Are you serious?"

"Well you only have 18 questions left."

Todoroki said whilst chuckling. Bakugou wanted to say something and start arguing, but he didn't wanted to destroy the moment.

"No. I never kissed somebody before."

Guess who's back from londoonnnn
Yeah that's right me... ok not funny....
So I hope you enjoy this chapter. I maybe am able to upload another one before travelling again.
And a big thanks for all the reads and votes again. It makes me really happy to see that people like this story. You can also write comments or dm me ideas you have for this story
Have a nice day.

And prayers out to everyone who lost someone or who was hurt in the shooting in Las Vegas.


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