"A meanie really seaweed brain?" She chuckled a bit before looking deep into Percy's eyes he saw her grey eyes sparkling with interest and barely controlled restraint she continued. "Tell me please?" 

"She gave me her blessing to be with you.And we can spend all day together." He told her, Annabeth looked shocked than down right estatic. 

"Great." Annabeth smirked as they spent the whole day walking around camp chatting aimlessly and hanging out with older friends. After dinner, Percy and Annabeth were outside the Athena tent. 

"I have a bad feeling." Annabeth said staring at Percy's eyes. 

"Oh?" Percy asked wanting her to continue. 

"Yea the same feeling the night you disappeared when Hera took you." Annabeth's grey eyes looked down. 

"Hey I am not going anywhere without making sure you are safe. Promise me Annabeth if I do die I want you to move on ok?" Percy asked softly. 

"That won't happen, if I died I know damn well you wouldn't so I won't." Annabeth said a tear escaping her left eye. Percy wiped it gently away with his thumb. 

"You aren't going to die I promise." Percy swore. Annabeth looked at him sadly. They shared one kiss, it didn't heat up it was like they were telling eachother they love eachother through a kiss. 

"Night Annabeth. I love you." Percy said. 

"Night seaweed brain, love you too." Annabeth said before hugging him as tightly as he could before slipping inside her tent. Percy wandered to his tent where is dad was already waiting. 

"Percy I am so glad to see you." Poseidon said hugging. 

"Good to see you too dad, why are the gods staying here and not up on Olympus?" Percy asked. 

"Many Olympians believe that this will be the last fight for their lives and their kids, we want to let them hang out with us." Poseidon shot him a small smile. 

"Thanks dad." Percy smiled gratefully, he did't know how he was holding up this lying streak. 

Percy quickly passed out to a dream he wish he never had.


Percy was in the throne room looking at Gaea's form unflinching. Her forest green eyes open, her face cracked into a sadistic smile. 

"Are you ready for your job tomorrow?" Gaea asked Percy not bothering to keep the amusement out of her voice. 

"Yes, I let you throw me back in the pit and the giants don't fight. You lose and you stay awake but you cannot move against any of my friends until they pass away peacefully. No monster attacks. Swear on the styx if you break your promise you fade." Percy laid down his terms. 

"I swear on your terms." Gaea's green eyes sparkled in amusement thunder boomed overhead sealing the deal. 

"You do know I cannot control my monsters if any of your friends die it does not effect our deal." Gaea said. 

"I know." Percy gritted his teeth before saying again. "Just take me after I kill your sons that are in the fight." 

"No need the moment they attack one of you they get sent to Tartarus." Gaea informed him. 

"Fine. Now if you will excuse me, I would like a peaceful sleep." Percy said before his eyes snapped open. 

"Perseus put on your armour the giants are sending an envoy, all the Olympians plus you and Jason are coming to meet them." Poseidon said. Percy got out of bed and dressed in his celestial bronze armour. He and the Olympian envoy met the giants in the middle of no mans land. 

"Surrender or die." Porphyrion arrogantly scoffed. 

"Never, this fight will end like it did last time. You all in Tartarus and your mother in a slumber." Zeus yelled up at the giant. 

Before any one managed to do anything Polybotes yelled out charge and went to hit Poseidon. But a bright white flashed blinding everyone but they heard the agonzing shriek of Polybotes when the light died down Polybotes was gone and than both armies clashed together in a thunderous metal clashing on metal soon Percy heard screams of agony, tearing of flesh and the crunch of breaking bones. 

Percy saw a small opening on the side of the mountain. "Dad tell Jupiter and Vulcan I need Jason and Leo. The prophecy says one of us three will end her!" Percy yelled to Poseidon who nodded and in a few minutes both of his friends showed up. He pointed to the opening and both boys nodded and all three of them decended towards the throne of Gaea. 

When they got there Gaea was already dressed for battle. 

"Any last words?" Gaea taunted. 

All three boys charged at the primordial, she blocked both Jason and Percy's overhead strikes with her blade before coming inside Leo's swing and kicking him in the chest. She slapped Percy away and than blocked on of Jason's strike's before he got kicked back too. 

"Three against one, that it isn't very fair is it?" Gaea taunted before conjuring up a dirt dagger and throwing it at a stunned Jason. Jason tried to get out of the way but Percy knew it was going to hit him. Percy tried making it to Jason before the dagger did but Leo beat him to it, the knife slid right between Leo's ribs. 

Jason and Percy looked at Gaea with such rage that she involuntarily flinched both demigods attacked. 

"Your turn Perseus." Gaea snarled before kicking him back into a new crack that just appeared returning him to Tartarus.


Ok guys the battle started and one casualty already! This is the pov order statrting with Percy, Piper, Hazel, Leo, Nico, Frank, Jason and finally Annabeth. Each chapter will start from when Polybotes says charge! 

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