Thomas lovelife. Thomas mood.

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As the two left they saw Sky, she looked worried and tried to get hold of Thomas who stepped back.
"He is going to explain some things..." Lucas started but Thomas cut him off.
"You should come." Said the boy and she just nodded. She wasn't smiling, not even a little.
Thomas hated that the two people who had driven him crazy with the easy smiles, the constant wide laughter were both now quiet and blank.
Lucas got the three of them inside an office and shut the door.
"What happened?" Asked sky.
"Thomas dates Peter." Said Lucas, the girl's eyes got wide and Thomas shook his head, conflicting with something inside his head. "He's got angry about something and he is explaining now. I hope."
Thomas knew they were watching him, but he was trying to think straight.
"I always knew I liked boys but I never had to care about that. I had soccer to focus on and I could deal with that. I met Peter when we were 12 I think, we met at school, and the he started training with me, when I was fourteen I started seeing him differently, so I told him." Said the boy, he saw the surprised looks on his friends faces. "I told him I liked him, more than just as friends, and he said he liked me too. It was the biggest thing to ever happen to me, we didn't make out or started dating at that moment, we just shared our feelings; I told my parents that I liked boys and they went nuts, said I should keep it as secret and to never mention it to managers or seekers, I ignored the. Cuz they are stupid, I told my grandparents and they were proud of me, my grandma was just happy I wouldn't be a douche player, like most the players she knew, and my grandpa only fear was that I would get hurt being gay in this soccer world, but they were amazing, and that helped to make moves on Peter. We started to hang out, not as friends, our family knew, his parents didn't like, because they were ignorant, mine didn't either because they only cared about making money out of my soccer, but my grandparents were supportive and they loved Peter, and Peter loved them. We were together for 2 years, when I turned 16 my coach got a call from Unity..." Thomas stopped talking for the first time, he was trying to breath, Lucas moved to get closer, but sky stopped him. "They invited me to be part of the under 16 tryouts team. I was very happy to be recruited, I told everyone, and everyone was happy for me, especially Peter. We talked about how we'd manage to date as I'd be living at The House during the whole u16 season and then I'd probably go professional, I tried to make it work, but Peter didn't see it ending well. Nobody knew I haven't had given my answer, and I was scared. The two years together were the most amazing thing, I had never played so good, I had never felt so alive, so I declined the offer." Thomas shook his head. "I told people I wasn't ready, which was true, but to Peter I also told that I did it for what we had and he said I was stupid, he would never want me to stop my dreams because of him, I told him that the team would invite me again, they would have to, he knew it was true, didn't like the odds but we were five eventually. I didn't realize that as I declined they needed so win to fill in... And they invited Peter, and he accepted." Said Thomas.
"Son of a bitch." Said Sky, Lucas was quiet, he just stared at Thomas.
"He said... He wouldn't get a second chance... Back then I didn't see it as true... Now I see he was right, but it hurt more than you can imagine, I was going to lose him and I let a great opportunity pass, and he tried to tell me about working out, but I only thought about all the arguments he himself has given to how it wouldn't. I said that if he declined I would help him train and we'd both be called again... But he went anyways, I stayed in bed for a week, didn't leave home for a month, he called me, called my parents and my grandparents, but I didn't talk to him. He stopped after a while... I was at the bottom, until I decided not to be anymore, I focused on the only thing I knew I was good and I could always count on, I trained, harder than I ever did and two years letter here I am, I was invited again and I'm very proud of myself." Said the boy.
"You have to move on." Said Lucas.
"I did." Replied Thomas and Lucas shook his head.
"Did you? Really? Look at you mate. You're all crazy because you saw him talking about you... He says great stuff. If you had really moved on you wouldn't care, you'd be glad he is giving you good publicity. Look at who you are! You don't let people in, you're scared of intimacy, you don't trust people! I had to sit in front of you every single day to make you accept me as someone whom you can trust. You don't make friends, you don't party! It's all because you haven't moved on." Lucas told the boy who started pacing!
"I did move on!"
"I agree with Lucas Thomas." Said Sky, the boy stopped to stare at them.
"You two know nothing... I did, he fucked me over, he is an asshole and I moved on, I'm better, I'm focused, I'm prepared now to play, and I wasn't in the past..." Said Thomas.
"Neither of you are wrong in what happened... He should had talked to you... You should had accepted the first time... He should had tried more, and you should had tried to try!" Said sky.
"He was the wrong one, I didn't do nothing but to be stupid and choose a relationship over my career..."
"If you had accepted or if the two of you had gotten in here together things would be different." Said Lucas. "You wouldn't be the focused and unfiltered guy that got My attention, and Sir's too, you wouldn't have been a easy person to approach and Sky would have to keep her distance, you would probably go partying with Vizanno and the other tryouts every weekend, you could blow this whole thing that you created for yourself. And before you forget, do you think you would have ever talked to Tim, if you were here with your boyfriend? Think dude! Leave your past where it should be." Said Lucas.
Thomas had only seen Lucas been so intense like that twice before! When Vizanno switched his uniform, and wen Fred hurt him. He knew the man tried to keep his cool, help everyone and be nice to everyone. If he was angry now it was because he cared about Thomas, it was because he really believed in what he was saying.
The boy sat and bent his head. Lucas got closer and put his arms around the boy's shoulder.
"I know things didn't work out like you wanted. But they're good now, and you should be grateful, I'd be hella mad if you preferred not have met me, but be a professional 18 douche or be running around the center with your little boyfriend." Said the man.
"You know I'd rather be professional than a tryout now, don't you?" Asked Thomas and Sky laughed. She sat in front of him.
"He does, he just need you to inflate his ego." Said the young woman. "Now get your shit together. You still have afternoon training!"

Thomas got to the play room, some of the boys were at the pool table, and most of them were missing, they acknowledged the boy and continued what they were doing. Tim was sitting with Marcus close to the tv, the boys didn't talk but they were both waiting for him.
"Are you okay?" Asked Tim. Thomas nodded and sat next to the boy.
"What happened earlier man?" Asked Marcus and Thomas just shrugged.
"That piece they did on me... They didn't include my grandparents." Said Thomas, Tim nodded understanding, Marcus wasn't that close to Thomas to know how much the boy cared about his grandparents, but he didn't say anything else.
"They released tomorrow's roster." Said Tim, Thomas looked over to the information board and went to look at it.
Tim was back as starting midfielder, Marcus was for the third time starting as left wing on the attack and tho as was not starting, for the third week!
"What the hell?" He looked at his teammates, that's why the two other players looked so worried, Thomas was not starting as Foward, he would only be put to play if any of the other players got hurt, or messed up.
The boy stormed out of the room for the second time that day, this time he headed for the coach's office. He didn't knock, he got in and the man looked up surprised.
"Why am I not starting tomorrow? I have done everything right! I have played my best and I'm the only one to score on Fred, why I'm not starting?" Asked the boy angry.
"Well, you don't understand..."
"People are screwing with me since I got here! Three weeks without debuting? It's ridiculous, why am I even here if I ain't going to play?"
"I wish I could tell you..."
"You don't care... You didn't do anything when my uniform disappeared, you didn't anything when Fred hurt me, your player, and now what?"
"That's not fair, and..."
"Screw this!" The boy screamed at the coach and he left! He banged the door and walked heavy! He gathered his things in his locker and headed for the exit!
Thomas head was spinning, he didn't know what he was doing, he didn't know where he was going, he just knew that everything was wrong dri him at that moment.
"What are you doing?" Asked Vizanno, the boy didn't reply, he just kept walking, he thought he was free, close to the exit door when the man's hand grabbed his arm. "What the fuck are you doing? Are you okay?"
"Lemme go" said the boy, Vizanno's hold got stronger.
"Tryouts can't leave training like this... Did anything happen?"
"Maybe I'm not w tryout anymore! Let go off me?" Said the boy and Vizanno looked confused.
"I'll let go if you explain..."
"I don't have to tell you anything. Just let me go for god's sake!" Thomas raised his voice a little, Vizanno didn't move. "God, they didn't put to play tomorrow! I won't play Again! The third time that Unity's tryouts are going to be out there an I won't be one of them!" Said the boy and Vizanno smiled.
"Are you kidding me? Is that really why? Don't you be stupid paranoid boy!" Said the man and it just made Thomas madder. The boy tried to pull himself free but instead he was dragged to a different corridor by Vizanno. "They didn't put you to play because they have other plans for you!" Said the man and Thomas was confused. "They want you to play for the main team on Sunday, that's why you are not up to play tomorrow..." Thomas felt the man's hand get looser, but he didn't flee, he was surprised and he couldn't believe.
"Just me?"
"Marcus and a couple of other kids too..."
"Well, Marcus is playing tomorrow too..."
"He is not coming from an ankle injury, is he?" Replied Vizanno. "Look, they know you're good, just don't go crazy."
"I can't play for the main team..." Said the boy and Vizanno frowned.
"Are you alright? You're trying out to do this... In case you're doubting yourself, don't, you're ready!"
"I can't debut at a main match, I'm a tryout and I need to debut as such, I'd love to play for the main team, but it's not right... No tryout ever debuted in the main team..."
"No tryout was invited twice either,  but I see your point! You're crazier than I thought." Said Vizanno and Thomas started breathing normally again.
"Can we talk to your coach now? Then I'll talk to mine! He's mad at me now, but fuck him."

Hey guys, so thus is very important to me, I've been thinking about this story for so long, I still have so much in mind, I'm so grateful for all of you who are giving this book a chance. Pls comment, give me tips, I don't mind! Just talk to me and I'll be fine. LOVE Y'all

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