Thomas meets Sir Elenon, and he smells good!

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Sir Elenon was tall. That was the first thought Thomas had when Lucas Fraim introduced him to the man. The second thought was unexpected and the boy tried hard to make it go away; Sir Elenon smells really good.

"So, Sir, I was over there talking to this young man, he reminds me of you a lot..." said Lucas to the older player. Sir grinned and looked at Thomas while talking to his teammate

"Young and inexperienced, Lucas?"

"Young, HA, you wish, grandpa... no, he has some interesting opinions about this team and his future in here." Lucas said and Thomas looked at him, why was he throwing him under the bus like that.

"He does? what position do you play?"

"Attack, Same as you Sir... not with the same skills yet... soon I hope." He replied, as confident as he knew he could be.

That line caught Sir's attention, he studied Thomas and smiled, not showing his teeth, just an interested smirk.

"Soon? interesting... are you a Unity's fan... I don't think I know your name." said the more experienced man. Thomas gave him his hand and confidently said his name, the boy saw some kind of recognition on the man's face but the player didn't comment on that.

"I was raised in this city, you see, I don't' think it is possible to grow up here and not cheer for Unity... this city is something just because the teamris here... so yeah, I'm a fan since a boy and kept being after things stopped being just awesomeness..."

'That's what I'm talking about." Interrupted Lucas all smiles and excitement. Sir Elenon looked at Thomas deeply this time and laughed.

"I see what you meant, Lucas..." Sir Elenon said. " So, Thomas, since our team is no longer just awesomeness, what do you think of it? what do you think of me?"Sir asked, he had an expectant look on his eyes.

Thomas took a few seconds to breathe, this was an important moment in his life. Meeting his biggest  inspirations, and being asked a question about his performance was huge. He needed to be honest, Sir wouldn't accept anything but honesty, but he couldn't be rude or offensive. He decided to stall while he could find the right words.

"Hmmm, I think we're being mediocre for a while, we haven't gotten a decent title in five years, and we always rank on the top 5, but never at the top .. if you understand what I'm trying to say here... but everyone who sees the team playing knows we still have the essence of the early years, of the years that you played Sir..." Thomas shut his mouth and breathed while his track of thoughts came back to him.

Most of the other tryouts were talking to the other 17 players, but some of them watched Thomas talk in a private conversation with the two professionals. The smirk on Lucas' face and the smile on Sir's encouraged Thomas to keep talking.

"Sir, you are the best player in the country, that's something I don't even have to say... the youngest tryout ever, the first one of two to master the drills and the winger who's scored the most so far... you are the best of this team and country... but nowadays you ain't showing your best like you used to" Thomas noticed the surprised on the player's face after the young tryout finished his answer. Some of the other tryouts sighed in disbelief but Lucas was having the time of his life, he was about to burst in the joy of the moment.

Thomas new he needed to say something else so his Idol wouldn't hate him. "When you started, oh man, you didn't even stay on the bench like most of the younger players do, you were starting in the lineup in your first game... and you were scoring like crazy, it was a great moment that I really hoped I could have seen with my two eyes at the Pantano, then you went to play in Europe and you were still great, but something was just off, you know, there wasn't that spark that made you shine with the Crocodiles... I believe the reason you didn't shine was that you no longer were the only star at the team, a thing I like to call conflicting eof go... you were great, but also other players thought themselves as great, it couldn't work..." the boy said. He tod there looking at the older player.

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