Solidad screamed as she quickly moved out of the way completely caught off guard by the situation.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kick your ass right here?!" lauren shouted her grip on austin's shirt getting tighter as she held out a fist ready to slam it into the aspiring actor's face.

Austin was terrified. What was going on? Was he getting mugged? His thoughts quickly disappeared as he noticed who his "mugger" was.

"Your that girl from the court!" Austin finally got out.

lauren didn't hear him though, she only saw red.

Without thinking she slammed her fist into the girl's nose causing it to start bleeding. lauren wasn't sure if she had broke it, but she knew for a fact it was going to hurt in the morning.

"LAUREN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" A voice suddenly screamed from behind lauren .

lauren didn't pay it no mind as she prepared to hit the boy again who had closed his eyes unable to do anything to protect himself. The hit never came causing austin to open his eyes as he saw a blonde haired girl pulling lauren off of him.

"Lauren! What the fuck are you doing?! Do you want to lose everything?!" Dinah shouted unable to believe lauren's actions.

"Get off me dinah! This bastard is cheating on camila!" lauren struggled against the taller girl.

Austin couldn't understand. What was going on. His perfect day just went to hell in five minutes. He had so many questions.

What was camila still doing here?

Why did she seem to be with the two basketball players who he had seen at the park?

Why did one of them seem so mad that he was cheating?

"Speak up you asshole! Tell camila what I just saw you doing!" lauren screamed towards the boy snapping him out of his thoughts.

Solidad had managed to hide on the other side of the car as she put everything together. This was really bad.

Austin winced in pain as his hand went up to his nose.

"Lauren! Why did you hit austin?!" Camila questioned in a loud tone with tears coming from her eyes.

Dinah still was holding onto her best friend, but her grip had loosened considerably once lauren had said her reason for hitting austin.

"I already told you! Camz I saw him kissing that girl who played Juliet! They were pressed up against his car, I'm sure that they planned to go even further!" Lauren stated as her calmed down a bit considering that she should stop yelling in case somebody saw them and called the police.

Camila's eyes immediately went to austin. "Is that true?!" She questioned a few tears still falling from her eyes.

Austin quickly assessed the situation. "Of course not! Solidad isn't even here! That dude is crazy!" he replied mentally thanking Solidad for being so quick to hide.

Camila's eyes began scanning the area. Austin was right Solidad wasn't here. The brown eyed girl looked at lauren expecting a answer.

Lauren's eyes had widened. Where had the other girl gone..."She was right here.." lauren muttered unable to come up with anything to say.

Camila quickly got mad. "Are you serious lauren! So you just punched my boyfriend and tried to make up bullshit cover up for it! I didn't think you were that kind of person!" She shouted towards the girl causing dinah to step in.

"Hold it! Lauren wouldn't do something like that! If she says she saw austin and that other girl then he definitely did!" Dinah defended hee best friend.

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